Prix Jeunesse des Univers Parallèles 2022 Winner

Author Magali Laurent has won the Prix Jeunesse Des Univers Parallèles 2021 (Youth Prize for Parallel Universes) for her novel Demi-vie, Vol. 1 of Rupture (Éditions de Mortagne).

The award is given to the best children’s sff novel by vote of high school students in Quebec. Lower secondary students wishing to help choose the winner read the three finalists during the 2021-2022 school year as part of the French course or as members of their library’s book club.

The winner receives a $2,000 scholarship funded in large part by the two main sponsors of the prize, the Jacques Brossard Trust and Marquis imprimeur.

The award was announced at the end of a meeting at the Salon international du livre de Québec which brought together the three shortlisted authors and Quebec City area high school students who had read their novels.

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