Program Participants Sought for FanHistoriCon 13

By Warren Buff:  RavenCon, April 29-May 1, 2016, in Williamsburg, Virginia, is hosting a FanHistoriCon.

FanHistoriCon is a convention (or a sometimes, a stream within a convention) dedicated to documenting and preserving the history of fandom. From 1994 to 2002, a dozen were held, along with additional programming at Aussiecon 3 and the Millennium Philcon. Since we keep making fanhistory, the need for a FanHistoriCon persists, and we’re hoping that holding one at RavenCon will help revive the concept.

We’d like to solicit ideas and recruit folks for the program. So far, we’ve got a few ideas kicking around:

  • a local fanhistory item on the Carolinas and Virginia
  • a session on next steps for documenting the 60s (Rich Lynch’s outline is fantastic on this so far)
  • a session on how to approach documenting the 70s, which seems both daunting and important because of the incredible expansion of fandom in that era
  • a session on the difficulties of documenting feuds and schisms (this has gotten significantly more important since we started kicking it around)
  • perhaps a session on the end of the APA era (only a bare handful remain out of what were once a major force in fandom, and documenting that transition seems important)
  • a session on oral history, and training folks in using widely available technology to take it (with follow-ups later of folks actually breaking off to take some oral history with those present, maybe after breakfast the next day)
  • sessions on identifying at-risk materials for preservation
  • sessions on identifying fans to interview/record for posterity

It’s a start, but we need more ideas, and we want to sign up folks to participate in these discussions. Memberships to RavenCon can be obtained at, and those with suggestions or interest in participation should contact Warren Buff at [email protected].

Bruce Pelz, Harry Warner, Jr. and Peggy Rae Pavlat (Sapienza) at FanHistoriCon in 1994. Photo by Rich Lynch.

Bruce Pelz, Harry Warner, Jr. and Peggy Rae Pavlat (Sapienza) at FanHistoriCon in 1994. Photo by Rich Lynch.

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4 thoughts on “Program Participants Sought for FanHistoriCon 13

  1. Anyone who wants to talk to me can ping me at laurahcory at yahoo dot com. I’m by no means an expert but do have a fairly good grasp of North Carolina, especially Triangle, fandom.

  2. Can’t afford to travel that far, but would love to do a panel at this or any con about expanding the coverage of fanhistory in Wikipedia, the marvels and the roadblocks.

  3. Last year fans in Hampton Roads lost two of their oldest members. Magaret Cubberly and Ned Brooks. This was in the space of a few weeks. While Ned had moved to Atlanta after retirement and Margaret had been ill for a long time they were most of the driving force, alonf with Mary Gray who passed a couple of years ago, behind the founding of Harosfa, the Hampton Roads Science Fiction Association which put on Harkcon and Scicon and gave rise to Marscon. Maybe there could be included a local history segment featuring these people. I would help and know some others who would also.

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