Random Thursday Sasquan

If I have to post all my comments pushing one key at a time on the Kindle I will but I won’t tackle that til later. The hotel business center computer has unusually limited capabilities (think — no right-click mouse commands). Perhaps an alternative will arise at the meetup.

Want to compliment Sasquan on the very lovely souvenir canvas bag the reg packet material came in. Green bag with a big black pocket which has the con’s bird logo in white.

And David Doering told me the shuttles intended to help moby riders have been suffering from freeloaders. So the drivers have been told to seek out those with mobys as a priority. As a result, the shuttles are now nicknamed Ahab…

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151 thoughts on “Random Thursday Sasquan







    Kickem in der vowels!

    Also, 2 ciders and it’s ALL-CAPS? Pshaw. Lightweight

    ::fondly reminisces about binge drinking days…::
    ::realizes doesn’t actually remember much of that period, I wonder why?::

  3. BTW, does anybody know whether the Hugo ceremony will have streaming video this year, so those of us not at Sasquan can watch the festivities?

    Nevermind, just found the answer – which is yes, via UStream.

  4. @Aaron

    It’s completely in line with the sense of “humour” that Dave Freer was demonstrating in his Quizzz thing from the other day. It’s more “Oooh let’s put a boot in these Pink Poofy SJW-types” but done in a way that lets them jump on their “But it was a JOKE, can’t you take a JOOOOKE” whaaaaa-mbulance.

    To which, the response is I’ll take a joke when you lot learn to make one.

  5. @snowcrash: One question I have – is there a recently admitted SFWA writer named Carol Wilson? Or was that just a random name the writer of the “flyer” pulled out of a hat?

  6. That flyer ia so ridiculous that I suspect that it might be a (failed attempt at) parody of the Puppies. I could be wrong, but who knows.

  7. @Mike Kerpan: Poe’s Law makes it impossible to tell without actually asking the author.

  8. The comments on Twitter post links that show that the same letter–but addressed instead to Mad Genius Club blogger Amanda Green, and posted in comments on her blog–showed up online months ago, posted by someone calling himself “Captain Comic,” who also posted comments of a similar sort on MGC-member Sarah Hoyt’s blog back then, too.

    I saw a comment a few days ago (either on File 770 or on FB, I don’t remember which) saying that 2-3 of VD’s followers are attending Sasquan and (I paraphrase) were discussing on VD’s blog what sort of pranks they could pull there to upset “the SJWs.” So perhaps one or all of them came up with the DEVASTATINGLY WITTY plan to print up that letter and leave it on the flyers table.

    Standard Paranoid Puppy Disclaimer: I am engaging in idle gossip and speculation, not making legal accusations.

  9. The comments on Twitter post links that show that the same letter–but addressed instead to Mad Genius Club blogger Amanda Green, and posted in comments on her blog–showed up online months ago

    And of course, Amanda loved it and thought it was funny, but also thought that it hit really close to the truth.

  10. @ Mike Kerpan: “That flyer ia so ridiculous that I suspect that it might be a (failed attempt at) parody of the Puppies. I could be wrong, but who knows.”

    Well, if I were a betting woman (which I am not), my cash would go on the line in favor of VD as the author of that letter, attempting to parody the Evil SJWs Who Run SFWA, etc., etc., etc.

    In addition to the “not-very-bright bully eternally stuck in puberty” sense of humor evinced by the letter, it also concentrates on another of VD’s other obsessions besides sexuality and gender–SFWA. WorldCon and the Hugos have absolutely nothing to do with SFWA, yet the letter is about SFWA, not WorldCon or the Hugos.

    The various Sad Puppies mostly seem to have an uncomplicated feeling of dismissive disgust toward SFWA; but VD tends to come across as being eternally mid-bellow in a never-ending scream of enraged pain that SFWA didn’t want him, REJECTED him, didn’t love him, didn’t UNDERSTAND him, blah blah blah.

    Paranoid Puppy Disclaimer: I’m making light-spirited chatter in the form of an unfounded personal opinion, not issuing an actionable accusation. Also, can you send a plumber? The toilets in Sodom are backed up.

  11. Honestly, if that’s the best they can do for sticking it to the SJW’s, that’s…really sad, actually.

    Many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea–okay, Philadephia–there was a large furry convention and some people from…oh, Portal of Evil, maybe or it might have been Something Awful, I can’t remember now…were thumping their chests about how they were going to go down and screw with the furries. They were gonna give those freaks whatfor. They were gonna make them go crying to their moms.

    The…two people who actually showed up…got there, discovered that there was an entry fee and quite good con security, and so they put a Xerox on a trash can lid that said “Portal of Evil* Welcomes Furries” and took a photo and posted it triumphantly to the Internet. (Because it was on a trash can. Get it? Get it? Scathing, surely!)

    Even their brethren were like “Dude. That’s pitiful. You don’t put our name on something that sad.”


    *or Something Awful, can’t recall.

  12. Actually, I think I’m with RedWombat on this one: I’m offended because it’s just so lame. A clever put down is something to laugh at, and I don’t mind laughing at myself, but this? Is unfunny because it’s so stupid. And that’s sad.

  13. “There’s someone in the dealers’ room selling SJW t-shirts.”

    I still want a Social Justice Rogue t-shirt (3x backstab damage! Flanking Bonuses!)

  14. @Jim Henley: NOOOO! (punches self)

    All-Caps Greg shows up completely sober. That’s the terrifying thing.

  15. Mary Frances on August 20, 2015 at 10:07 pm said:
    Actually, I think I’m with RedWombat on this one: I’m offended because it’s just so lame. A clever put down is something to laugh at, and I don’t mind laughing at myself, but this? Is unfunny because it’s so stupid. And that’s sad.

    Like Aaron, I wonder if Carol Wilson is a real person. And if so, is she trans? This could be a genuine case of harassment gussied up as a joke.

  16. It isn’t situational. If the name is real then that’s harassment regardless of the person’s trans status.

  17. Can I be the Social Justice Ranger? I have an Animal Companion called Thomas who’ll sit about shedding fur as needed. And indeed as not actually needed on the clear washing.

  18. Iphinome on August 21, 2015 at 2:24 am said:
    It isn’t situational. If the name is real then that’s harassment regardless of the person’s trans status.

    True, I zeroed in on the “have you changed your genitals” bit and ignored that it still has a person’s name on it.

  19. Laura Resnick on August 21, 2015 at 12:26 am said:

    On Thursday, Sasquan broke the record for WorldCon memberships:

    Great! That also means that in a previous thread when I was wrong about the number of members this year being more than last year, I’m now right!

  20. Juli & I are sorry we could not make it to the meet up yesterday; we were busy manning the Press Office. But we were HAPPY to see you here at Sasquan and we hope you’re having a GREAT TIME!

    Chris Barkley & Juli Marr

  21. Wait. I thought I was a Social Justice Bard. There were a bunch of us at one point. Enough for a band.

    Maybe we broke up over artistic direction and an inability to agree on a name for the band?

  22. I am the proud owner of a Social Justice Paladin shirt!

    Motto: We get consent BEFORE we Lay On Hands

  23. I proudly claim the mantle of Social Justice Healer, although, if sufficiently provoked, I can become a Social Justice Ranger.

    Oh, and in cross-threadiness, my gravatar is my most-recently departed cat. He’s been gone almost a year now, and I still miss him (although the younger cats do distract me).

  24. If you google “Socialist Fiction Writers of America” (with quotes) you can get the highly clever fake letters this person has written before – and they are a regular poster on some of those blogs. Warning, however, the other letters aren’t any more clever or funny.

    On the flip side, I did learn today that apparently American socialist fiction writers don’t have their own organization. I thought in the 21st century there would be a club for just about everything.

    Oh, and would Ruth Bader Ginsburg be a Social Justice Justice?

  25. Social Justice Bard for me–Elisa we can be a band if you like or we can split up so we can boost more people.

  26. Jon F. Zeigler on August 21, 2015 at 7:29 am said:

    Personally, I think I would want to be a Social Justice Space Marine.

    But then Games Workshop would attempt to shut you down for “common law trademark infringement.”

  27. I want to be something cooler. Social Justice Werewolf. Yep, that sounds good.

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