Read Janus/Aurora Online

The entire run of the famous fanzine Janus which Jan Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll originated in the 1970s is available online here. It was a great zine, and the SF3 site explains:

Janus was nominated for three “Best Fanzine” Hugos in 1978, 1979 and 1980. Jeanne Gomoll was nominated for two “Best Fan Artist” Hugos in 1978 and 1980. Janus and Aurora were the most prominent feminist science fiction fanzines of their time. With the exception of Amanda Bankier’s fanzine, The Witch and the Chameleon, which ceased publication in 1976, Janus and Aurora were the ONLY fanzines with this focus.

Just how long it’s been available I don’t know: Bill Burns of eFanzines recently gave the archive a signal boost.

The publicity couldn’t be more timely with Jeanne Gomoll having been announced as a Loncon 3 guest of honor this past weekend.

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2 thoughts on “Read Janus/Aurora Online

  1. In an attempt to give Janus and Aurora contributors a “heads up” that their artwork, articles or letters from 30 years ago is now on-line, I’ve attempted to contact as many as I can find. Alas, I’ve lost track of many folks. If anyone thinks they sent a letter of comment or other material to the fanzines and would like to know in which issues their work appears, they can contact me in care of the SF3 email address and I will send you issue and page numbers. Thanks!

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