Remembering Chichester

The media on both coasts are covering the story of two LASFSians who disappeared in 1985 with renewed interest because authorities suspect that Clark Rockefeller, recently arrested on other charges, may also be the Christopher Chichester long wanted for questioning in that case.

The Los Angeles Times interviewed more non-fans who knew Chichester when he lived in San Marino (an affluent town in the LA area) for an August 9 story.

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5 thoughts on “Remembering Chichester

  1. I wonder if “Pip R. Lagenta”/Galen Tripp will one day apologize for explicitly stating, without a fraction of a scrap of a pip of evidence, that “Linda murdered her husband and skipped town.”

    As far as I’m concerned, this is — until such time as evidence actually appears to that effect, if it ever does — victim-blaming.

    In another place, in another era, somebody would challenge him to a duel for her honor and her memory. It’s a shame in that regard that we instead live here and now, where people can say such vicious canards without consequence.

  2. It’s a viable theory of the case, though not the only one. The evidence that argues against both John and Linda having been victims is the postcards written by Linda and sent to Lydia Marano after the disappearance — see the NY Daily News article — “‘Linda worked for me five days a week for three years – I know her handwriting,’ said Marano, 56.”

    Of course, when the postcard was written (as opposed to postmarked), and whether Linda mailed it, or if someone else mailed it, whether she was still alive at that time, are all open questions that might have answers that would support a different theory of the case.

  3. I would like to thank David K. M. Klaus for providing a link to the blog in which I use the phrase “Linda murdered her husband and skipped town.” Because of the link that David K. M. Klaus so kindly provided, everyone can see that David K. M. Klaus took the phrase out of context.
    Perhaps it would be a good idea for David K. M. Klaus to read the sentence immediately after the phrase-in-question several times to himself until he understands what it says. Then, maybe, he would be less upset.
    I do not know what happened to Linda Mayfield, but I have an uninformed opinion. I publish my uninformed opinions in my blog. When I have the facts, I will send them to the newspaper.
    In the meantime, I reiterate my thanks to David K. M. Klaus.

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