Retro Hugo Awards 1945 Finalists

CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, announced the finalists for the 1945 Retrospective Hugo Awards today.

As previously reported, CoNZealand received Retro Hugo Awards nominations from 120 members. 

Best Novel

  • The Golden Fleece, by Robert Graves (Cassell)
  • Land of Terror, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.)
  • “Shadow Over Mars” (The Nemesis from Terra), by Leigh Brackett (Startling Stories, Fall 1944)
  • Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord, by Olaf Stapledon (Secker & Warburg)
  • The Wind on the Moon, by Eric Linklater (Macmillan)
  • “The Winged Man”, by A.E. van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull (Astounding Science Fiction, May-June 1944)

Best Novella

  • “The Changeling”, by A.E. van Vogt (Astounding Science Fiction, April 1944)
  • “A God Named Kroo”, by Henry Kuttner (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter 1944)
  • “Intruders from the Stars”, by Ross Rocklynne (Amazing Stories, January 1944)
  • “The Jewel of Bas”, by Leigh Brackett (Planet Stories, Spring 1944)
  • “Killdozer!”, by Theodore Sturgeon (Astounding Science Fiction, November 1944)
  • “Trog”, by Murray Leinster (Astounding Science Fiction, June 1944)

Best Novelette

  • “Arena”, by Fredric Brown (Astounding Science Fiction, June 1944)
  • “The Big and the Little” (“The Merchant Princes”), by Isaac Asimov (Astounding Science Fiction, August 1944)
  • “The Children’s Hour”, by Lawrence O’Donnell (C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner) (Astounding Science Fiction, March 1944)
  • “City”, by Clifford D. Simak (Astounding Science Fiction, May 1944)
  • “No Woman Born”, by C.L. Moore (Astounding Science Fiction, December 1944)
  • “When the Bough Breaks”, by Lewis Padgett (C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner) (Astounding Science Fiction, November 1944)

Best Short Story

  • “And the Gods Laughed”, by Fredric Brown (Planet Stories, Spring 1944)
  • “Desertion”, by Clifford D. Simak (Astounding Science Fiction, November 1944)
  • “Far Centaurus”, by A. E. van Vogt (Astounding Science Fiction,January 1944)
  • “Huddling Place”, by Clifford D. Simak (Astounding Science Fiction, July 1944)
  • “I, Rocket”, by Ray Bradbury (Amazing Stories, May 1944)
  • “The Wedge” (“The Traders”), by Isaac Asimov (Astounding Science Fiction, October 1944)

Best Series

  • Captain Future, by Brett Sterling
  • The Cthulhu Mythos, by H. P. Lovecraft, August Derleth, and others
  • Doc Savage, by Kenneth Robeson/Lester Dent
  • Jules de Grandin, by Seabury Quinn
  • Pellucidar, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
  • The Shadow, by Maxwell Grant (Walter B. Gibson)

Best Related Work

  • Fancyclopedia, by Jack Speer (Forrest J. Ackerman)
  • ’42 To ’44: A Contemporary Memoir Upon Human Behavior During the Crisis of the World Revolution, by H.G. Wells (Secker & Warburg)
  • Mr. Tompkins Explores the Atom, by George Gamow (Cambridge University Press)
  • Rockets: The Future of Travel Beyond the Stratosphere, by Willy Ley (Viking Press)
  • “The Science-Fiction Field”, by Leigh Brackett (Writer’s Digest, July 1944)
  • “The Works of H.P. Lovecraft: Suggestions for a Critical Appraisal”, by Fritz Leiber (The Acolyte, Fall 1944)

Best Graphic Story or Comic

  • Buck Rogers: “Hollow Planetoid”, by Dick Calkins (National Newspaper Service)
  • Donald Duck: “The Mad Chemist”, by Carl Barks (Dell Comics)
  • Flash Gordon: “Battle for Tropica”, by Alex Raymond (King Features Syndicate)
  • Flash Gordon: “Triumph in Tropica”, by Alex Raymond (King Features Syndicate)
  • The Spirit: “For the Love of Clara Defoe”, by Manly Wade Wellman, Lou Fine and Don Komisarow (Register and Tribune Syndicate)
  • Superman: “The Mysterious Mr. Mxyztplk”, by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster (Detective Comics, Inc.)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  • The Canterville Ghost, screenplay by Edwin Harvey Blum from a story by Oscar Wilde, directed by Jules Dassin (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))
  • The Curse of the Cat People, written by DeWitt Bodeen, directed by Gunther V. Fritsch and Robert Wise (RKO Radio Pictures)
  • Donovan’s Brain, adapted by Robert L. Richards from a story by Curt Siodmak, producer, director and editor William Spier (CBS Radio Network)
  • House of Frankenstein, screenplay by Edward T. Lowe, Jr. from a story by Curt Siodmak, directed by Erle C. Kenton (Universal Pictures)
  • The Invisible Man’s Revenge, written by Bertram Millhauser, directed by Ford Beebe (Universal Pictures)
  • It Happened Tomorrow, screenplay and adaptation by Dudley Nichols and René Clair, directed by René Clair (Arnold Pressburger Films)

Best Editor, Short Form

  • John W. Campbell, Jr.
  • Oscar J. Friend
  • Mary Gnaedinger
  • Dorothy McIlwraith
  • Raymond A. Palmer
  • W. Scott Peacock

Best Professional Artist

  • Earle Bergey
  • Margaret Brundage
  • Boris Dolgov
  • Matt Fox
  • Paul Orban
  • William Timmins

Best Fanzine

  • The Acolyte, edited by Francis T. Laney and Samuel D. Russell
  • Diablerie, edited by Bill Watson
  • Futurian War Digest, edited by J. Michael Rosenblum
  • Shangri L’Affaires, edited by Charles Burbee
  • Voice of the Imagi-Nation, edited by Forrest J. Ackerman and Myrtle R. Douglas
  • Le Zombie, edited by Bob Tucker and E.E. Evans

Best Fan Writer

  • Fritz Leiber
  • Morojo/Myrtle R. Douglas
  • J. Michael Rosenblum
  • Jack Speer
  • Bob Tucker
  • Harry Warner, Jr.

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23 thoughts on “Retro Hugo Awards 1945 Finalists

  1. I like how he announced some of the Graphic Story entries (.e.,g Buck Rogers) so dramatically. 😀

    I didn’t know Manly Wade Wellman wrote comics.

    Cthulhu Mythos for Best Series is probably a strong contender.

    Is Bradbury’s “I, Rocket” title a nod to “I, Robot” or vice versa? Probably not, but it made me wonder.

  2. Aha, thanks, @Goobergunch! Makes more sense (I didn’t even stop to think when Asimov’s story was published, BTW – probably post-1945, I dunno).

  3. The Wind on the Moon, yay! I really didn’t expect this. Side effect of the small number of voters, I suppose.

  4. Good to see that we at last have Related and Series finalists in the Retro-Hugos.

    So I keep saying ‘when will we reach the Golden Age of the novel?’, but I’ve concluded we never will; the golden age of the SF novel, as opposed to short fiction, begins about the same time as the actual Hugos, so won’t show up in the Retro-Hugos. As often, the most interesting nominees this year are coming from outside the house. I had not considered The Wind on the Moon, but yes, it deserves to be there with the others.

  5. A very good ballot and I’m really happy to see Best Series and Best Related Work, even though it’s a pity there weren’t enough votes for Best Dramatic Presentation long, especially since there were eligible finalists.

    I also like to think that my Retro Hugo recommendation spreadsheet had an impact, which makes me very happy.

  6. Some extremely incomplete notes about tracking down the short fiction finalists:

    I linked “I, Rocket” upthread.
    The three Simak stories are all in City and both Asimov stories are in Foundation.
    The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology (Campbell) has “When the Bough Breaks”.
    The Great SF Stories 6 (Asimov/Greenberg) has “Far Centaurus”, “City”, “Arena”, “Huddling Place”, “Desertion”, “When the Bough Breaks”, “Killdozer!”, and “No Woman Born”.
    A Treasury of Great Science Fiction, Vol. 1 (Boucher) has “The Children’s Hour”.
    A Treasury of Science Fiction (Conklin) has “No Woman Born”.
    The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Vol. 1 (Silverberg) has “Arena” and “Huddling Place”.
    “And the Gods Laughed” doesn’t seem to have been anthologized anywhere but it’s in the big NESFA Brown collection, as well as a Wildside 99-cent megapack.

    Novella will be more difficult: “The Changeling”, “A God Named Kroo”, “Intruders from the Stars”, and “Trog” appear to have either no reprints or very obscure reprints. They’re probably on the Internet Archive’s periodicals site though. (I suspect everything here is, but I’d prefer reading them via print/ereader if possible….)

  7. “The Jewel of Bas” is in the Leigh Brackett Science Fiction Masterworks edition. Shadow Over Mars a.k.a. Nemesis from Terra is out of print. The Leigh Brackett article from Writer’s Digest is near impossible to find. I know, cause I tried.

    The Internet Archive has everything that was first published in a pulp magazine.

  8. It’s nice to see Leigh Brackett in the list. Even with 21st century sensibilities, it’s hard to find women’s work from this period to nominate.

  9. Robert Graves’s “The Golden Fleece”, published in the US as “Hercules, My Shipmate”, is a retelling of the legend of Jason and the Golden Fleece from Greek mythology. Quite good, actually. His 1949 novel “Seven Days in New Crete”, published in the US as “Watch the North Wind Rise”, is more what we think of as fantasy.

  10. @Lela E. Buis

    It’s nice to see Leigh Brackett in the list. Even with 21st century sensibilities, it’s hard to find women’s work from this period to nominate.

    For my Retro Science Fiction Reviews project, I reviewed 1944 SFF works by six different women writers. Leigh Brackett and C.L. Moore, both of whom are nominated, as well as the somewhat more obscure Allison V. Harding, Dorothy Quick, Alice Mary Schnirring and Dorothy B. Hughes. Dorothy B. Hughes is a well known crime fiction/noir writer, though her only forray into SFF was not all that great. The Harding, Quick and Schnirring stories were good, but little known and also horror rather than science fiction.

  11. @Goobergunch: I think the “And the Gods Laughed” was in some Brown collections, like “Arena” and the collection titled “And the Gods Laughed” (which is I think where I read the story).

  12. Brackett’s “The Science-Fiction Field” and the Writer’s Digest issue in which it appears are in the public domain (no renewal was filed for them that I’ve found), so if anyone can get a hold of that issue and scan it in, that’s one way to get it out for people to read. (I realize that’s easier said than done at the moment as many libraries are closed.)

    Some of the other magazine issues figuring in the nominations are out of copyright for similar reasons, and some aren’t. I’ve updated my renewals information on all of the magazines mentioned in the nominations (at ) to note individual renewals at least as far as 1945 for all these magazines, and will be adding free online listings for Planet Stories and The Acolyte that will include the issues mentioned in the nominations. (Those will go live later today.) I haven’t yet checked the copyright status or online availability of the books.

  13. How is The Shadow in any way science fiction or fantasy? I love The Shadow books by Walter Gibson and have read many of them; I’m willing to believe there are ones I haven’t read which contain SFF elements, but I’d be very surprised. The books are crime thrillers firmly set in the real world with real people (people with extraordinary skills, but nothing fantastic) and real gadgets and devices. Some of the seemingly fantastic elements are simply magician’s tricks that Gibson incorporated (he was a professional magician).
    Now, the radio series is a different matter. There, The Shadow’s power to “cloud men’s minds” is clearly a fantasy element, but that was wholly absent from the books.

  14. I don’t know whether it is all thinking alike or a reflection of the small number of nominators, but everything I nominated for the Retro Hugos has made it onto the final ballot. For the contemporary ones only a couple of my entries in the dramatic presentation categories made it.

    N.B. There seems to be something awry with the links. scrolling backwards with the previous link only shows the Retro Hugos and scrolling forward with the next link only gives the Hugos.

  15. Pingback: Some Thoughts on the Hugo Award Finalists, Part I: The 1945 Retro Hugo Awards | Cora Buhlert

  16. I found a reasonably priced copy of the pulp fanzine/con program book in which the Leigh Brackett essay was reprinted on Amazon and bought it. Once the zine arrives, I’ll scan in the essay, so Retro Hugo voters and others can read it.

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