Samuel Delany’s Nova

The Nashville SF Club Newsletter for October draws members’ attention to Paul Di Filippo’s review of Samuel R. Delany’s novel, Nova (1968), and recalls in what high esteem the late A. J. Budrys held the author: “Samuel R. Delany, right now, as of this book, Nova, not as of some future book or some accumulated body of work, is the best science-fiction writer in the world, at a time when competition for that status is intense. I don’t see how a writer can do more than wring your heart while explaining how it works. No writer can.”

Richard Wadholm and I, two members of a local club when the book came out in 1968, could not have agreed more after our own encounters with Delany’s genius. Nova’s influence resonates down all the years in Wadholm’s own story, “Green Tea“.

[Via Nashville SF Club Newsletter and Andrew Porter.]

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