San José Will Host 2011 Westercon

San José will host Westercon 64 at the Fairmont Hotel over the July 1-4, 2011 weekend. Guests of Honor are Patricia A. McKillip, Kaja & Phil Foglio, and Mike Willmoth.  Glenn Glazer is chairing the convention.

Attending memberships are $45 (not including discounts available to those who voted/pre-supported.)

San José was not officially opposed, though there were the usual write-in votes. Here are the full site selection results from the 2009 Westercon daily newzine:

San Jose 79; Write-Ins: (2 votes) Fordlandia, Maui, Tonopah; (1 vote) Both, I-5 in 2105, Nome of the Above, Reno in 2011, Spuzzum NC, Trona CA; None of the above 1; No preference 1. Total ballots cast: 93.

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