Write-in Campaign for a Pasadena NASFiC

Christian McGuire must have decided that as wonderful as it will be to run a Westercon next year in Pasadena, things will be even more delightful if his con is also the 2010 NASFiC. So I surmise after seeing Kevin Standlee’s announcement on LiveJournal.

Once again the realization that a thing could be done – file a last-minute, legally proper NASFiC bid – provided fans with an irresistible temptation to actually do it.

Raleigh, NC’s NASFiC bid has been uncontested til now. It is the only one that filed in time to appear on the ballot. Supporters of Pasadena will have to write-in the name of the bid when they vote. And voting is only a few weeks away. As provided in the WSFS rules, the NASFiC site voting will happen Anticipation, the first Worldcon held since Australia was selected as site of the 2010 Worldcon.

Update 07/07/2009: Corrected Standlee URL as suggested.

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