Calling All Faneds

Lloyd Penney need to stock his Worldcon fanzine lounge with fanzines. He’s just sent out a plea for fans to tell him what they intend to bring to Anticipation, and whether the zines will be for sale, for placement in the reading library on site, or for giveaway.

The fanzine lounge at Anticipation will be about 500 sq. ft. in size, located on the second floor of the Palais des congrès in Montreal.

You can help even if you are not personally attending the con – mail your zines to the following address and, Lloyd promises, “…we will get them out on tables for people to peruse. If you have anything else, like flyers for fanzines, or disks, or APAs, or anything else fanzinish, bring/send those along, too.”

c/o Rene Walling or Marc Durocher
Unit 6092
344 Nazareth
Montreal, QC CANADA
H3C 2L3

He’s also in need of people to sign up for shifts in the fanzine lounge. The address to contact Lloyd by e-mail is: <penneys [at]>

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