SF 101

When Science Fiction/San Francisco #100 came out in December the excitement of hitting the century mark was overshadowed by the startling announcement that co-editor Chris Garcia and copyeditor David Moyce had stepped down (although Chris planned to keep writing articles), leaving co-editor Jean Martin in full charge. At the same time, Jean announced she was ratcheting down the frequency from bi-weekly to monthly.

A sigh of relief greeted the arrival of SF/SF #101, first, because that showed the schedule change had not degraded into an indefinite hiatus, and second, because Chris Garcia is keeping a high profile as one of the newzine’s contributing writers.

Chris reported a major story, being the first person with access to the participants I’ve seen effectively report and analyze the BayCon committee’s meltdown, with a large number of committee members resigning out of concern over the parent corporation’s tax status and dissatisfaction with the leadership of Michael Siladi.

Chris also has a piece about the “Anime Expo Implosion” and the management controversies that have ensued since it changed leadership.

Both are fine examples of fannish newswriting.

Jean Martin has been promoted to Editor-in-Chief but she won’t have to fly solo. She announced in #101 that España Sheriff will become an Editor and contribute more in the future (though she’s been writing fascinating conreports all along).

Also, Rina Weisman from the original “SF in SF” online (www.sfinsf.org) and Tachyon Publications (www.tachyonpublications.com) has volunteered to become the team’s new proofreader. I’m very jealous. I wish File 770 had a proofreader. (And I know you all wish it did, too!)

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One thought on “SF 101

  1. Thanks Mike! I was kinda shocked that I got to report on somethign big for my last regular issue. It was a busy fday for me on eFanzines. There was the new Exhibition Hall and the Drink Tank’s Fifth Annual Giant Sized Annual.

    And I’m very sure that Jean and Espana and Tom and Rina will keep SFSF going stronger than when they carried this boat anchor with ’em!

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