SFWA Makes Safety Resources Available to SFF Community

SFWA has announced the publication of their Safety Resources, a new set of webpages on the SFWA website located here. These resources contain useful information for creators maintaining an online presence and touch on safety considerations for in-person events for both attendees and event planners. 

Personal Safety Online includes checklists and safety tips for securing your online accounts, removing personally identifying information from “people finder” sites, and other common sources of information exploited for doxing attempts. This page also includes advice on managing the privacy of others—i.e., complying with international spam laws and safely storing data when collecting contact information for mailing lists, giveaways, and so on.

Safety Considerations for In-Person Events and Safety Considerations for Virtual Events include advice for both attendees and event hosts. These pages cover codes of conduct, security planning for events, safety tips for infrequent travelers, effective bystander intervention, and templates for anti-harassment policies and accessibility policies.

Finally, they have included some information on how to document harassment and what to expect when seeking legal or law enforcement assistance in Reporting Incidents to Authorities, as well as some suggestions and resources for dealing with the personal repercussions of harassment in Self-Care If You’ve Been Harassed.

SFWA hopes that the information contained in these pages can help individuals and organizations navigate the speculative fiction publication industry with an increased consideration for safety. They are publicly available, and they welcome people to share them with community members who may benefit from them.

A SFWA blog series on safety topics for creators is in development as well. 

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