Shenandoah Ships Free

Francis Hamit has a deal: “As you will see from this linked article from Publishers Weekly, anyone who wants my book, The Shenandoah Spy and orders it from Borders will get free shipping for a limited time.

“We are continuing the special discount promotional codes at Pathway Book Service (1-800-345-6665) where the discount now equates to about the same free shipping offer. They can use the code ‘FACE’ for Facebook for instance, or ‘LINK’ for LinkedIn. This is just part of our effort to serve customers where and how they want to be served.

“I will admit that it would be very helpful if they order through a Borders store. It’s not normally stocked on their shelves, but if enough people do that, then it may be in the future. But either way is fine.  Signed copies are still available at the [Brass Cannon Books] web site.”

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