Sherwood Smith Joins Book View Cafe

Sherwood Smith ranks with Mythopoeic fans’ favorite writers, twice a finalist for the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award. She’s also many people’s favorite Mythopoeic fan, having been a creative force in the Mythopoeic Society since its early days.

(Wait! Can a fan be a pro? Can a pro be a fan? Nobody’s ever asked me this before!)

Now you can find her fiction at, beginning with her novelette “Being Real”, about striking back at reality tv when your life ends on the cutting room floor.

The full press release follows the jump. Welcomes Sherwood Smith

On Thursday, January 28, Sherwood Smith will be joining the Book View Café team. Smith began her publishing career in 1986, writing mostly for young adults and children. To date she’s published over thirty books. The latest was Treason’s Shore, last of the four-book Inda series, with Banner of the Damned coming out next year. She also writes for young adults, her most popular book being Crown Duel, from Firebirds. She’s also written short fiction, published in various venues. Sherwood Smith has collaborated with several authors, including the Grand Master Andre Norton. One of her books was an Anne Lindbergh Honor Book; she’s twice been a finalist for the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award and once a Nebula finalist. Some of her stories have been reprinted in “best of” anthologies, and her work has been translated into numerous languages.

For her debut, Smith will be offering her science fiction novelette, BEING REAL.

Visit Smith’s bookshelf at

Watch for chapters of Smith’s romantic fantasy, CROWN DUEL, on Thursdays at

Also coming soon from BVC, Smith’s YA adventure, A STRANGER TO COMMAND.

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One thought on “Sherwood Smith Joins Book View Cafe

  1. And I recall several years with her in Apanage, the childrens fantasy apa. She even Tuckerized me in one adult SF novel. But excuse me now, I have to head off to

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