Shirts Are the Reason
for the Season

By Daniel Dern: The High Seas Trading Company’s, whose space and galaxy Hawaiian shirts have been featured/mentioned/shown on File 770 somewhere over the past year or so —

— has added other sfnal/fannal motifs

  • Space Shuttle comes in two different color schemas, blue (shown here) and black.

And there’s the cosmic credentials shirt: Cats in Space.

Plus this holiday-themed sfnal one: Santa-in-Space.

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6 thoughts on “Shirts Are the Reason
for the Season

  1. Ouch at the price, but browsing the site I found some nice “Mythic Dragons” and “Mythic Unicorns” shirts as well, under the “Asian” sub-category for Hawaiian shirts.

  2. I still have my Space Shuttle/Hubble Telescope tie that’s in my photo attached to this comment. Also, one that shows the orbits of all nine planets. For the few times I wear a tie nowadays.

  3. Pingback: Pixel Scroll 3/30/20 The Master And Margaritas | File 770

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