SLF Announces Winners of 2021 Diverse Writers Grant and Diverse Worlds Grant

The Speculative Literature Foundation has announced that S. Qiouyi Lu is the winner of the 2021 Diverse Writers Grant and Elena Pavlova is the winner of the 2021 Diverse Worlds Grant.

© S. Qiouyi Lu

S. Qiouyi Lu has been awarded the 2021 Diverse Writers Grant for ær submission “Razing Babel.”

S. Qiouyi Lu writes, translates, and edits between two coasts of the Pacific. Ær debut biocyberpunk novella In the Watchful City is out now from Tordotcom Publishing, and ær other work has appeared in several award-winning venues. You can find out more about S. at ær website or on Twitter @sqiouyilu.

Elena Pavlova

Elena Pavlova is the winner of the 2021 Diverse Worlds Grant for “The Life and Adventures of Hillmeria Cat.”

Elena Pavlova (she/her) lives in Montana, Bulgaria. She has Asperger’s syndrome and is agender. Her short stories in Bulgarian have appeared in various Bulgarian anthologies and magazines, winning awards from national competitions. In 2019, her middle-grade SF novel Kamen and the Pirates from 5-B won the Bulgarian national award Konstantin Konstantinov. In 2021 her middle-grade SF&F novel An Adventure in the Lower Earth: Christmas Carolers vs Hallus Beasts took the ESFS Best work for children award. In Bulgarian, she has had six other novels and two collections of shorter fiction published, and has translated into Bulgarian authors as diverse as Robert Howard, Robert R. McCammon, Peter Watts and V.E.Schwab. Her short stories “Love in the Time of Con Crud” and “Two Moons” appeared in Future Science Fiction Digest #3 in 2019 and Compelling Science Fiction #15 in 2020, respectively.

[Based on a press release.]

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