Smofcon 37 Fannish Inquisition Videos

Videos from the “Fannish Inquisition” held at SMOFCon 37 in Albuquerque NM on December 7 have been posted. They capture the questions and answers posed to representatives of seated WSFS conventions (Worldcon and NASFiC), and bids for future Worldcons and NASFiCs.

The makers put them up with this caveat: “This is raw video for the future SMOFCons and seated WSFS conventions taken from the camera without editing. Because the camera records files of a maximum length, then starts a new file, segments may begin or end in mid-word.”

  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – SMOFCons/Seated WSFS Conventions – Part 1 of 7
  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – SMOFCons/Seated WSFS Conventions – Part 2 of 7
  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – SMOFCons/Seated WSFS Conventions – Part 3 of 7
  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – SMOFCons/Seated WSFS Conventions – Part 4 of 7
  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – SMOFCons/Seated WSFS Conventions – Part 5 of 7
  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – SMOFCons/Seated WSFS Conventions – Part 6 of 7
  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – SMOFCons/Seated WSFS Conventions – Part 7 of 7
  • SMOFCon 37 Fannish Inquisition – Worldcon Bids

The “Fannish Inquisition” held at SMOFCon 37 in Albuquerque NM on the evening of Saturday, This is the final segment of the Fannish Inquisition, consisting of presentations from and questions to bids for future World Science Fiction Conventions.

  • Kevin Standlee also has posted videos of the Westercon Fannish Inquisitions.

[Thanks to JJ for the story.]

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6 thoughts on “Smofcon 37 Fannish Inquisition Videos

  1. Thanks for the good work. If they were unedited, it did not cause anything to bother me at least. There are some tough questions of China I want to ask but I can wait until NASFIC or Worldcon in Washington DC.

  2. “Because the camera records files of a maximum length, then starts a new file, segments may begin or end in mid-word.”

    I guess convention runners don’t have to be good communicators.

  3. Andrew Porter: I guess convention runners don’t have to be good communicators.

    If this was supposed to be a joke, it’s not at all funny.

    If it’s not a joke, you need to pull your head in and re-evaluate your priorities. This isn’t the Hugo Awards ceremony.

    I (and a lot of other people, based on what I’ve seen on Facebook and the Smofs list) personally appreciated having the videos available this soon. With the possible exception of the bidding Worldcon videos, I’m only going to listen to them once, and breaks in the middle of sentences are such a minor inconvenience as to not even be a concern.

  4. Andrew Porter, they were uploaded this way because people requested that Kevin Standlee forgo his usual painstaking editing of the video in favor of getting them uploaded sooner. In the past he has spent a lot of his personal time during cons removing those breaks in the videos. I am personally happy to deal with minor overlaps in exchange. You can continue to be rude about it all you like; I hope Kevin will ignore you.

  5. JJ, Lenore:

    Thank you. Your kind words mean a lot to me and to Lisa, particularly as it is people like Andy who have led me to spent much of my time at conventions in my hotel room editing video so they can watch it later assuming that just because something looks effortless that it actually is effortless.

    IMO, the only people who think video editing is easy and quick are people who have never edited three-hour-long videos.

  6. IMO, the only people who think video editing is easy and quick are people who have never edited three-hour-long videos.

    Truth. Speaking as someone who was a member of a local video group 20+ years ago and edited more than her share of videos.

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