Snapshots 46

Here are 4 developments of interest to fans.

(1) Would you believe that an autographed collection of poetry by C. S. Lewis was among the things found by an archivist when he inventoried the office of the late Walt Disney?

“It was an eerie thing to sit … in his chair and count the paper clips in the drawer,” Smith recalled with a nervous chuckle. On the bookshelves, he discovered books and letters given to Walt by Upton Sinclair, Winston Churchill and C. S. Lewis, who inscribed one of his books of poetry with the words: “From one visionary to another.”

(2) Bad Astronomy points to a breathtaking display of TV spaceships that look as if they were photographed while participating in an air show.

(3) Neil Gaiman is grumpy about the proliferation of fictional vampires that aren’t scary and disregard other traditional features of the type:

“My next big novel was going to have a vampire. Now, I’m probably not. They are everywhere, they’re like cockroaches.”

(4) We already understand that San Diego is eager to hold onto the Comic-Con because it generates a lot of business for the city. But just how much is that?

When tens of thousands of Comic-Con attendees flood San Diego next month for their annual confab, they’ll be bringing more than superhero costumes, comic books and “Star Wars” paraphernalia. They’ll be delivering an economic bonanza of nearly $163 million, the first official estimate of the convention’s financial impact.

And yet it’s not necessarily San Diego’s most lucrative convention. A November meeting of 36,000 neuroscientists outspends comics fans. They pay more per night for hotel rooms and contribute an estimated $170 million to the local economy.

[Thanks for these links goes out to David Klaus, Andrew Porter and Glenn Glazer.]

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