Spider’s Her Own Grandpaw!

Marisa held by Terri 

Spider and Jeannie Robinson are grandparents:

Marisa Alegria da Silva arrived on planet Earth on May 28th at 1:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, weighing 8 pounds 5, long and lean and hairy and impeccably beautiful in all respects. Mother and child are both in good health, save for a minor fever that showed up at the last possible second, controlled easily by antibiotics.

I briefly considered leading this item by saying that the baby arrived in “the Usual Way” then decided, no, it’s too identified with Harry Chapin’s downer song “Cat’s in the Cradle”. The line is on my mind because early this morning I read aloud to Sierra the Winnie-the-Pooh story that introduces the characters Kanga and Roo. The line begins that story, but I never made the connection before despite mumble-cough years as a fan of the song. With all the other kiddy lit references in the lyrics it seems entirely possible Chapin intended that connection.

[Thanks to David Klaus for the story.]

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