Steam Engine Time 11 & 12

Two issues of Steam Engine Time, edited by Bruce Gillespie and Janine Stinson, are available at eFanzines. “Today’s Women of Wonder” is the theme of issue #11. Issue #12 is subtitled “Off on a Treasure Hunt.”

The full press release (including PDF links) appears after the jump.

Bruce Gillespie sends Steam Engine Time #11, edited by him and Janine Stinson.  Now available at

Many months late, but here at last is the special women’s issue of Steam Engine Time, No 11. Titled ‘Today’s Women of Wonder’, in honour of Pamela Sargent, whose contribution is the feature article, it also features work from Jan Stinson, Kaaron Warren, Liz de Jager, Lyn McConchie, Gillian Polack, Terry Morris and cover artist Carol Kewley, and covers some general subjects, such as recent trends in urban fantasy and the nature of editing, and articles focused on such authors as C. J. Cherryh and Ursula Le Guin. 54 pages.


Bruce Gillespie and Jan Stinson present STEAM ENGINE TIME 12, March 2009, 78 pages, the second issue in 24 hours. For the PDF version, click on

The print version will be available in a couple of weeks time.

Subtitled OFF ON A TREASURE HUNT, this issue features another exciting cover graphic by Ditmar (Dick Jenssen); Bruce Gillespie’s coverage of his favourite books, films and music of 2009 — and of the decade 2000–09 — with special discussion of Christopher Priest’s *‘It’ Came from Outer Space* and *The Magic*, Paul Kincaid’s *What It Is We Do When We Read Science Fiction*, David Langford’s *Up Through an Empty House of Stairs*, and new autobiographical books by Iola Mathews, John Litchen, Rick Gekowski and John Baxter; Bruce Gillespie’s ‘The Treasure Hunt’, about his love of treasure hunting in general, and books about SF and films, especially essay collections by Joanna Russ, Thomas Disch, Paul Kincaid, Michael Bishop, Peter Bogdanovich and Pauline Kael; Ray Wood’s in-depth discussion of artificial intelligence in SF books, TV and film, especially the DVD-TV series *Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles*; George Zebrowski’s challenging essay about the role of the writer-editor in book publishing; and Frank Weissenborn’s forensic dig into some later A. Bertram Chandler novels that nobody else seems to have noticed.

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