Steam Engine Time #8

Bruce Gillespie announces: “In a fannish resurgence, Jan Stinson sends issue 8 of Steam Engine Time, the fanzine she co-edits with Bruce Gillespie. Layout design this issue is by Jan, and as SET is now primarily an ezine it’s arranged for easy screen viewing. The 66-page issue is now available at eFanzines.”
A list of contents is behind the cut.


Jan Stinson: “It’s Just the Normal Noises In Here”;
Bruce Gillespie: Thanks

2006 Campbell Conference Speech / George Zebrowksi

Letters of Comment: Lloyd Penney, Greg Benford, Brad Foster, Ned Brooks, Barry Gillam, David Jacobsson, Taral Wayne, Amy Harlib, Darrell Schweitzer, Cy Chauvin, Arthur Hlavaty, Robert Elordieta, Damien Broderick, Chris Garcia, Terry Jeeves, Peter Sullivan, Mark Plummer, David J. Lake, E. B. Frohvet, John Litchen, Martin Morse Wooster, Billy Pettit, Franz Rottensteiner, Jerry Kaufman, Eric Lindsay, Anna Davour, John Purcell, Gillian Polack, Andrew Weiner, Fred Lerner, Douglas Barbour, Tim Marion, Ray Wood

Literary Censorship in Australia and Olaf Stapledon’s Sirius / James Doig

Reviews Section
Colored New World: Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy / Frank Weissenborn
In Fury Born by David Weber / Lyn McConchie
Overview: The writing of Simon Brown / Gillian Polack
The Terror by Dan Simmons / Barbara Roden

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