Sunday Business Meeting at Sasquan

Today the Sasquan Business Meeting will consider 4/6, E Pluribus Hugo plus other unfinished business and whatever shennanigans people have left in their deck at this point.

Livebloggers welcome.

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1,619 thoughts on “Sunday Business Meeting at Sasquan

  1. I just got a database error again… I think this is another eagerly awaited result.

    ETA: Woot!

  2. Woooo! Congratulations!
    Thanks for all the hard work on this by everyone who was involved at any point in the process.

  3. Jon F

    The advantages of classical based travel; I have addressed a short but fervent prayer to large numbers of deities who, with any luck, will be so grateful that someone still remembers them that they’ll swing the vote…

  4. Woo-Hoo! I couldn’t be a co-sponsor, since I’m not a member of this year’s Worldcon, but I did help work on EPH in my own small way. I’m wearing my E Pluribus Hugo ribbon with pride.

  5. That’s a huge relief. I didn’t want to see Noah Ward become a long-time sweep winner of Hugos.

  6. @Cat: Me too!

    I hope they’ll pass 4/6 as well and send them both on to the next Worldcon so that one or the other can be adopted (I’d much prefer EPH).

  7. Good grief, I was wound up by that. I’m one of the proponents, but I wasn’t expecting such a strong reaction to its passing.

    On to ?/?

  8. 186-62, according to Rachel Acks. A 3-1 margin. That’s way better than I was hoping for. I expect the grim spectacle of last night’s ceremony moved some voters.

  9. Same here Cat and Mark. I keep hitting refresh, biting nails, and getting database errors.

  10. Thanks to everyone who posted updates from this meeting, especially to our gentle host.

  11. EPH passes. Here’s a crazy idea for how the Puppies could respond:

    Read stuff. Talk about what you liked. Join the con. Nominate what you, personally, liked. Vote for the stuff you liked best on the final ballot. If you didn’t like any of it, vote No Award. Have fun.

  12. Glad to see that EPH passed. Thank you for all the interesting and fruitful discussions on it here.


  13. Delurking to say I feel like an addict. Thank you all for live blogging. I had no idea business meetings could be so exciting. I’m following on 2 blogs hitting refresh every few seconds.

    Thank you for being there to help this pass and those online for support.

  14. David W. – Yes to the nth! Thank you, Mike for creating an invaluable meeting place!
    Now I wonder if there are any other parliamentary shenanigans the Puppy sympathizers will try…

  15. Yay! I had reservations about EPH initially, but having different commenters explain the nuances each an every time the same person cast a new doubt about it actually helped me to understand it and support it. Congrats to all who worked on it and here’s hoping it gets ratified next year.

  16. Ok; the sun is over the yardarm here in England, and I should pour a few libations to all the gods that I could remember to include in my heartfelt plea.

    We will, no doubt, have a lot of dreck thrown at us next year but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel…

  17. @SJW75261

    “Hitting refresh, biting nails, and getting database errors”

    Sounds like the perfect title for a fan report, to be subtitled:

    An Narrative Of Ye High Deedes Of Ye Legislative Body Of Sassquane Dit Le WorldConne, By One Who Hath Been In Attendance Cybernautically

  18. Jim Henley nails it. Only thing with the puppies it isn’t really about SFF other than Larry writes urban fantasy gun porn. It is about straight white male privilege. Read Larry’s blog like I do and reads like a mix of Free Republic and Storm Front.

  19. Whoooooooo of relief!

    I had no idea I was so tense about EPH.

    This also explains, I suspect, why I kept getting error messages instead of page refreshes a few minutes ago.

  20. As a lurker who has been silently refreshing this thread at intervals between Lots Of Other Stuff, I’d like to contribute my very own heartfelt sigh of relief. Now for a big drink.

    Thanks again to all who did the heavy lifting on this.

  21. I may go outside and pour a libation myself.

    …I don’t actually have any wine. Do you think a little milk will be okay?

  22. @Cat

    Well, presumably the Deified Feline Overlords who inspired the Anti-Canine Resistance would approve.

  23. This also explains, I suspect, why I kept getting error messages instead of page refreshes a few minutes ago.

    Ha, yes. While it’s usually a Bad Thing for an official site to fall over under pressure, I think it’s a badge of honour for a fan site to suffer under traffic.

    File 770: the lurkers support us with ctrl-f5

  24. The clean up discussed is because fans name things differently. They should clean it up before they run it with giving unique short hand names. Don’t they do that now?

    Short time to consider final ballet was one of the objections and that doesn’t seem to be a bad thing.

  25. Proposed Constitutional Amendment B.1.1: Four and Six
    12 minutes debate time allocated

    Motion to change number of nominations by individuals from 5 to 4 and number of finalists from 5 to 6; committee recommended that meeting as a whole determine x/y values in 4/6.

  26. I noticed that the puppy who tried to end the meeting by proposing adjourning sine die yesterday before EPH was addressed (and attempted to claim slander against a member speaking in favor of EPH) has left the meeting.

  27. With the current system they can skip cleaning data on low vote items as they’re obviously below the possible cut.

    For EPH to work they have to clean all the data.

  28. As a supporting co-sponsor of EPH, let me just add my belated and long-distance WHOOOT!

  29. Bruce: I noticed that the puppy who tried to end the meeting by proposing adjourning sine die yesterday before EPH was addressed (and attempted to claim slander against a member speaking in favor of EPH) has left the meeting.

    He tried it on again today. Kevin stomped down hard on it, pointing out that a charge of slander requires that a specific person be named.

  30. Morris Keesan on August 23, 2015 at 11:01 am said:
    Glazer also argued that we’re responding after 1 data point out of 6 decades: “hasty generalization”

    Ah, yes, this is what it reminds me of: Best Nuclear War Movie: Dr. Strangelove. “Mr President, I think it is unfair to condemn a whole program for a single failure!”

  31. FYI, it appears that Tom Monaghan has departed the Business Meeting during the 10 minute recess. I saw him out in the corridor talking with a couple of other people during the break, but he was gone when I came back the same way a few minutes later.

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