Super-Science Tales Selected

The Haffner Press collection Tales of Super-Science Fiction, edited by Grand Master Robert Silverberg, is rounding into a shape. Stephen Haffner’s latest press release announces some of the authors whose stories will appear:

  • Don Berry
  • Robert Bloch
  • J. F. Bone
  • A. Bertram Chandler (as George Whitely)
  • Daniel F. Galouye
  • Tom Godwin 
  • James E. Gunn 
  • Alan E. Nourse
  • Charles W. Runyon
  • Robert Silverberg
  • Jack Vance
  • Robert Moore Williams

The cover art will be by Frank Kelly Freas. Silverberg and Haffner are still securing rights to additional texts.

There are details of several other projects in the full press release, which appears after the jump.

Opening Ether-Channel to All Faithful Readers:

The Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention (in it’s 10th year!) is a few days away, so we want to bring y’all up to date on the goings-on here at HP HQ:

1)  The April 2010 issue of Locus Magazine  has a two-page review by Richard A. Lupoff of our recent Edmond Hamilton titles (The Metal Giants and Others, The Star-Stealers: The Complete Tales of the Interstellar Patrol, and The Collected Captain Future, Volume One).  Yer humble editor is just a *leetle* proud.

2)  We’re back from the 34th Annual Williamson Lectureship at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales.  As always, it is an amazing event, and full of awesome and wonderful people.  The university staff (ably led by Dr. Patrice Caldwell) and The Williamson Tribe (Betty, Nancy, Milz, Katie) are to be congratulated on another wonderful event.  We’ll post a page of pics and a write-up after we return from Windy City.  Please note that 2011 sees the *35th* Lectureship, and we WILL NOT let that milestone go unrecognized.  (or, as we like to say, Keep Watching the Skies!)

3)  While in Portales for the Lectureship, we launched WITH FOLDED HANDS . . . AND SEARCHING MIND, THE COLLECTED STORIES OF JACK WILLIAMSON, VOLUME SEVEN.  The book looks magnificent and we’re starting to fill single-copy orders and wholesale orders as fast as possible.

4) Does the above mean that all copies of WITH FOLDED HANDS are shipping right-away?  Well, no.   🙁   We’re still waiting for finished copies of DETOUR TO OTHERNESS, and it looks like another 4-5 weeks.  Recall that we offer free domestic shipping on all our titles. So, we’re aiming to keep things as simple (read: cheap) as possible and plan to fulfill orders for the WITH FOLDED HANDS / DETOUR TO OTHERNESS / “1951” combo as a single shipment.  Please bear with us.  That said, if you want your copy of WITH FOLDED HANDS shipped *now*, send us $3.00 via check or paypal to [email protected] and we’ll scoot your copy out to you.

5) The delay in receiving DETOUR TO OTHERNESS means that we will keep the “1951” combo active for the near future.  Details are on the HP homepage here.

6) We have closed the poll for the Haffner Press presentation at Pulpfest 2010 in Columbus this summer.  After discounting some electronic ballot-box stuffing from over-zealous (but well-meaning) fans, the declared winner is . . .  Leigh Brackett!  Be on the lookout for an update on our multimedia presentation: LEIGH BRACKETT: The Queen of Space Opera.

7) TALES OF SUPER-SCIENCE FICTION (edited by Grand Master Robert Silverberg) ambles its way through production, and we can announce some of the authors whose stories are set to appear:

  • Don Berry
  • Robert Bloch
  • J. F. Bone
  • A. Bertram Chandler (as George Whitely)
  • Daniel F. Galouye
  • Tom Godwin 
  • James E. Gunn 
  • Alan E. Nourse
  • Charles W. Runyon
  • Robert Silverberg
  • Jack Vance
  • Robert Moore Williams

The cover art is by Frank Kelly Freas, and we are still securing rights to additional texts.

That’s all for now.  See you in Chicago!

Keep Watching the Skies!

Stephen Haffner
Big Poobah

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