Teen Writers from Across Los Angeles Can Enter the Tomorrow Prize Science Fiction Writing Competition

Los Angeles County high school students are invited to submit their original short science fiction stories to The Tomorrow Prize and The Green Feather Award writing competitions through January 9, 2023.

Selected finalists will be chosen to have their stories read in their honor by celebrity guests during the culminating event in May 2023.

First, Second, and Third place Tomorrow Prize winners will receive $250, $150, and $100 USD cash prizes.

The First place Tomorrow Prize winner will be published in L.A. Parent Magazine.

The Green Feather Award is a special prize category for an environmentally focused sci-fi story co-presented by the Nature Nexus Institute. The winner will receive $250 and online publication.

The 2022 – 2023 The Tomorrow Prize & The Green Feather Award Submission Guidelines are at the link. Includes advice about what they do and don’t want to see in the entries.The submission form is here.

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