The Answer Is: Karen Joy Fowler

Karen Joy Fowler has a Nebula and a World Fantasy award on her resume and now she has something new to brag about — her name appeared as part of an answer on the Jeopardy! game show aired June 25.

Many of you know how the game is played. Contestants vie to be first with the question that corresponds to an answer displayed on the game board.

Steven Silver tells me the player who picked the $400 card in the “Chick Lit” category saw this phrase:

6 Californians read and discuss “Persuasion”, “Emma” and 4 others in Karen Joy Fowler’s novel her “Book Club.”

The correct question referenced Fowler’s mainstream bestseller The Jane Austen Book Club.

(By the way, the odd phrasing is accurate — Steven double-checked his recording.)

[Thanks to Steven Silver — a past Jeopardy! contestant himself — for the story.]

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