Tim Marion Zines Available

The other day Tim Marion says he “passed a black-and-white Verizon pick-up truck which had, emblazoned on it side, ‘KING of Fandom!’ And I wasn’t even in the truck! (How did they know I would be passing by at that point?)”

Wasn’t it in your fanzine, Tim? All knowledge is in fanzines, as you know.

Anyone can tap into Tim’s kingly wisdom by reading his zines Terminal Eyes or So It Goes. He has over a dozen copies of recent issues for sale at $10@ ($16 outside of North America). 

So It Goes #17 has a portfolio of serious (rather than cartoony) art by Bill Rotsler and also has the first-ever 3-D  cover on a fanzine.

So It Goes #18  has much rare, reprinted art by Steve Fabian and Marcus Boas, as well as an overview of Robert E. Howard fanzines. The issue also boasts reprints of Aljo Svoboda articles from the early Seventies (a fanwriter well worth remembering), and Michael Shoemaker’s first letter of comment to a fanzine in years. Names to reckon with, I tell you!

To arrange purchase, contact Tim via e-mail — timothy.marion (at) rocketmail (dot) com

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