To Arms!

Elston Gunn’s favorable review of the mystery web series Looking for Grace for Ain’t It Cool News is of extra interest to local fans — because the arm in the photo at the beginning of the article belongs to LASFSian Ed Green.

Ed has a recurring role in Looking for Grace, a series created by Nathaniel Halpern (who’s also the lead actor) and directed by Aaron Rabin.

As Elston Gunn describes the show:

LOOKING FOR GRACE centers on the story of a young man who discovers his memories have been replaced by those of a mysterious woman named Grace and his search to find her. Working with a small crew and tight budget, the resourcefulness with which they tell their story will hopefully capture the attention of producers and financiers in the future. If you’re looking for something to fill the void since THE WALKING DEAD wrapped up its season, check it out at and see what you think. The final installment was posted last week.

P.S. I’m thinking I could use this photo to start a scrapbook for media-appearances-by-part-of-a-LASFSian. The next thing on my want list is a still photo of Tadao getting eaten by Godzilla (in the 1998 version). 

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