Toblerone Chocolate Report

The Toblerone box, waiting.
The Toblerone box, opened
Three kinds of Toblerone

By Skye Kingsbury: Hi. I’m Skye. I’m in my twenties and I have tastebuds that are distressingly strong. It often makes things difficult for me to enjoy and I tend to be very picky about what sweets I eat. Case in point: I now drink coffee black instead of with two sugars like I used to.

I’ve wanted to try Toblerone Chocolate for a long time because it’s supposed to be the good stuff. It’s Swiss!

[Note: Skye is assisted in today’s reviews by her cat Lulu.]


White chocolate, cut and uncut

So, white chocolate. This genuinely smells like white chocolate instead of Crisco that has had white chocolate whispered at it from another room. What a snap! Crisp! It’s very good. Sweet, kind of floral, fruity. Almost like what a flower should taste like when you smell it, one of the really strong scented ones.

There is definitely vanilla. The almond and nougat add a wonderful texture. I can taste the honey. It’s delightfully sweet but not overwhelmingly so. It’s not cloying. The honey adds an undertone, enough to leave the back of my throat burning. This is why I don’t eat a lot of honey even though I like the taste.

Lulu refuses white chocolate

The almonds don’t have a strong taste but they add texture. The nougat are little chewy bits like caramel but better. They don’t taste like caramel, but they have the texture like little sticky bits. Like toffee. They’re really good.

This is some quality tempered white chocolate. It’s rich! I couldn’t eat very many but it’s wonderful.


Milk chocolate Toblerone cut and uncut

This has an equally nice snap like the white chocolate. It has a nice chocolate scent but not as floral or fruity as the white chocolate. It’s a real rich milk chocolate that coats the mouth. It’s not as sweet as the white. It’s not astringent but it’s definitely got more flavors, as well as a more well-rounded taste.

The almond flavor is more pronounced. I don’t notice the honey as much as the white chocolate. It’s there; I can feel it at the back of my throat.

Lulu sniffs milk chocolate

It’s very smooth, melting and coating the tongue. It’s like those nice high-quality cups of hot chocolate that you make by melting real chocolate and mixing with hot milk. That’s how nice and smooth it is.

The almonds and nougat are definitely there. The texture is really good. I quite like it.

It’s not nearly as sweet as the white but still definitely sweet. Not as much honey taste in case you don’t like honey. But the honey is there, faint but noticeable and not enough to be an irritant.


Dark chocolate, cut and uncut

It smells of nice quality dark chocolate; darker, stronger, and more bitter. It smells like that 75% cacao that you can sometimes find.

It’s got a crisp snap. It’s more solid to my teeth than the other two. Very rich, mildly fruity. There’s almost no honey taste. It is dark, coating my mouth with dark, strong chocolate.

Lulu snubs dark chocolate

The almonds and nougat disappear into texture only. They have no taste, unlike the milk chocolate. Even without taste, their texture breaks up the dark chocolate. It’s smooth and rich. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was espresso powder in here because I detect a note — at the end — of floral fruit and coffee.

This is easily the strongest, most forward chocolate. If you don’t like dark chocolate, you won’t like this.

Conclusion: Overall, I recommend the dark chocolate, followed by the milk chocolate. The white chocolate was still very good but it was sweeter than the other two so I didn’t like it quite as much.

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11 thoughts on “Toblerone Chocolate Report

  1. Braxis says Toblerone to lose it’s Swiss status after moving production out of the country.

    Not actually true.

    It’s moving some of its production later this year to Bratislava, the Slovak capital. If I remember correctly, it is mini bars that are going to be manufactured there. They’re very profitable for the company.

    Swiss law now requires eighty percent of any product be produced there but before that law, Toblerone chocolate sold overseas was produced in various locations outside Switzerland.

  2. @Cat Eldridge

    Braxis says “Toblerone to lose it’s Swiss status after moving production out of the country.”

    Not actually true.

    According to press coverage, it is true.

    Reuters: “Toblerone maker Mondelez (MDLZ.O) will shift some production of its triangular chocolate bars to Slovakia from Switzerland at the end of next year, losing the “Swiss” attribute on its packaging in the process.”

    NPR: “For legal reasons, we have to adapt our packaging to the Swissness legislation and, among other things, remove the Swissness notice on the front of the Toblerone pack,”

    CNN: “Toblerone bars, sold in over 100 countries, can no longer be called Swiss chocolate because the brand’s US owner is moving some production out of Switzerland.”

  3. Now bill, I took his statement to mean they were moving all production out of that country which is how that sentence could be read. You read it a different way. Such is the English language after a thousand years.

  4. Um, do not feed feline chocolate. The reasons (theobromine) and others are left as an exercise for the student.

    And my late wife and I noted that most folks, as they get into their thirties, start going for darker chocolate, leaving milk chocolate for the kids.

  5. mark says Um, do not feed feline chocolate. The reasons (theobromine) and others are left as an exercise for the student.

    Skye isn’t feeding any of her cats chocolate. Trust me when I say that. The felines are just charming props.

  6. I’m sure the recipe and taste will remain the same but, as Cat says, they will not be able to call them Swiss chocolate any longer due to too much of the production taking place outside of Switzerland.

    They also need to replace the Matterhorn with a more generic mountain on the packaging.

  7. Braxis says They also need to replace the Matterhorn with a more generic mountain on the packaging.

    Actually the Swiss government are requiring them to do just that. The new labels will have a generic mountain range.

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