Today’s Birthday Boy 1/20

Ray Bradbury and Buzz Aldrin in 2010.

Ray Bradbury and Buzz Aldrin in 2010.

Born 1930: Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin

John King Tarpinian reminisiced a few years ago  —

Thanks to Ray, at one of his 90th birthday celebrations I got to be in the same room with THREE of my childhood idols: Ray, Buzz Aldrin and Hugh Hefner. That gave me the opportunity to tell Buzz that he knew another in-law of mine, Pancho Barnes. (Look up The Happy Bottom Riding Club).

In the photo is Buzz talking with Ray. Also visible is Hugh Hefner (just below Aldrin’s chin). The brunette is Hugh’s granddaughter.

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4 thoughts on “Today’s Birthday Boy 1/20

  1. Each of them had an important role in shaping American culture in the 20th Century, and their coming together is certainly a moment to remember.

    (From the look on what we can see of his face, Mr. Hefner was concentrating quite intently on what Mr. Bradbury was saying.)

  2. I was impressed with how intelligent Hef’s was. Even more so that he brought two of his grandkids with him so they could meet Ray, Buzz was just a bonus.

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