Top 10 Posts for August 2009

Ray Bradbury’s birthday was the happiest story featured last month and the most popular. Stories two through ten on the hit parade covered the 2009 Worldcon. Interest in the outcome of proposed Hugo rules changes drove several stories up the list of most-viewed in August 2009, as tracked by Google Analytics.

1. Ray Bradbury’s 89th Birthday Party
2. The Joanna Russ Amendment
3. 2009 Business Meeting Keeps Semiprozine, Graphic Story Hugos
4. The Future of the Best Fanzine Hugo
5. Reno Voted 2011 Worldcon
6. Yes on Dropping the Semiprozine Hugo
7. Raleigh Wins 2010 NASFiC
8. Cheryl, Meet Occam’s Razor
9. Porter Wins Big Heart Award
10. Book Launches at Anticipation

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