Top 10 Posts For June 2010

Several upsetting reports of deaths in the sf community were among File 770’s most widely-read stories this month.

Gentler reminiscences involving other friends lost in years gone by — about Roddenberry’s Hugo and the death of Ackerman’s brother in WWII — also struck a chord with fans.

Here is the complete Top 10 list of most frequently viewed posts for June 2010, according to Google Analytics.

1. Andrew Porter: Authorities Query Whether Fire Victim Is MacIntyre
2. Lost Prop Auction Coming in May 2010
3. Alexei Kondratiev (1949-2010)
4. The Politically Correct Constitution
5. Jeanne Robinson (1948-2010)
6. Roddenberry Estate Auction Features 1967 Hugo
7. Bova Column on SF Conventions
8. How Did I Not Know This?
9. Names Older Writers Grant Winner
10. Snapshots Colt .45

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