2010 Bulwer-Lytton Winners

Molly Ringle’s spectaculaly awful paragraph about a wet kiss won top prize in the 2010 Bulwer-Lytton bad writing contest:

For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity’s affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss — a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity’s mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world’s thirstiest gerbil.

Judges picked additional winners that were found to be exceptionally hideous examples of fictional genres.

Here is the Fantasy Fiction winner:

The wood nymph fairies blissfully pranced in the morning light past the glistening dewdrops on the meadow thistles by the Old Mill, ignorant of the daily slaughter that occurred just behind its lichen-encrusted walls, twin 20-ton mill stones savagely ripping apart the husks of wheat seed, gleefully smearing the starchy entrails across their dower granite faces in unspeakable botanical horror and carnage – but that’s not our story; ours is about fairies! 

— Rick Cheeseman, Waconia, MN  

And, the Science Fiction winner:

t’Bleen and Golxxm squelched their way romantically along the slough beach beneath the three Sommodian moons, their eye-stalks occasionally touching, and tenderly belched sweet nothings like, “I don’t think I’ve ever had such a charming evening,” and, “Say, would you like to gnaw that hunk of suppurating tissue off my dorsal appendage—it really itches.” 

— Bryan Olive, Tustin, CA 

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the links.]

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