Top 10 Posts For May 2015

Juliette Wade transformed the Hugo controversy by her public account of withdrawing from the Sad Puppies slate and her no-nonsense answers to Brad Torgersen’s response in comments.

If anything, the discussion has gathered momentum since then – six of the month’s top 10 posts were from just last week. So as I did before, I have prepared two sets of Top 10 posts, the second having nothing to do with Hugos, Sad Puppies and related topics.

Here are the month’s leading posts according to Google Analytics:

  1. An Account of Juliette Wade’s Withdrawal from Sad Puppies 3
  2. That Hell-Hound Train 5/20
  3. The Effect of Puppy Rays on Fan-in-Spokane Rocketships 5/26
  4. Howl’s Moving Castalia 5/24
  5. Canterbury Tails 5/27
  6. Disney’s “101 Nominations” 5/25
  7. The Bark Between The Stars 5/29
  8. The Paw of Oberon 5/4
  9. To Sail Beyond the Doghouse 5/19
  10. The Collar Out of Space 5/28


And here is the puppy-free Top 10:

  1. 13 Is A Lucky Number For Scalzi — So Is $3.4M
  2. Tanith Lee (1947-2015)
  3. Two Roads Diverged in a Scarlet Wood
  4. Brianna Wu on CBC’s The National
  5. Baen Free Library Grows
  6. Snapshots 150 The Sesquicentennial
  7. Gentlemen, Be Repeated
  8. 2015 Campbell Award Shortlist
  9. Kotzker Advice
  10. Neil Gaiman and Kazuo Ishiguro Debate on BBC Radio 4

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One thought on “Top 10 Posts For May 2015

  1. Although #1 and #4 are not Puppy/Hugo topics, the Puppies do yap a lot about John Scalzi and Brianna Wu. Scalzi is far more the focus of their tail-chasing shriekery than Wu, but her name nonetheless keeps coming up, too, among the Puppies, with growling and whining. So those two may be in the top 5 because they’re Puppy-related (or Puppy-infected), in a sense.

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