Top 10 Stories for July 2020

An Open Letter mainly signed by UK writers and fans criticizing the eligibility of a Saudi Arabian Worldcon bid engendered fierce discussion, turning it into File 770’s most-read post in July. (The 2022 Worldcon – as expected — was voted to Chicago this week.)

An unrelated letter of concern about CoNZealand program plans and assignments was also widely read, becoming the number two post for the month.

Here are the 10 posts with the most readers for July 2020 according to Google Analytics.

  1. Writers Circulate Letter of Concern About Saudi Worldcon Bid
  2. Group Sends Letter of Concern To CoNZealand Programming
  3. Pixel Scroll 7/10/20 Definitely Worried I Had Lost The Plot
  4. Courtney Milan Comments About Mixon Report on Sriduangkaew
  5. Pixel Scroll 7/30/20 Can I Scroll There By Pixel-Light? Yes, And Back Again
  6. Pixel Scroll 7/26/20 I Feel My Temperature Rising, Higher Higher, It’s Pixelling Through To My Scroll
  7. Pixel Scroll 7/13/20 Pixel Number 8 Will Make You Cry. Pixel Number 2 Has Surprised Us All
  8. Pixel Scroll 7/18/20 Scrollhenge, Where The Pixels Dwell, Where The Filers Live, And We Do Live Well
  9. Pixel Scroll 7/25/20 There’s A Troublesome Gap In The Middle 11 Billion Years
  10. Open Letter Organizer Discusses Chengdu Worldcon Bid


  1. Writers Circulate Letter of Concern About Saudi Worldcon Bid
  2. Group Sends Letter of Concern To CoNZealand Programming
  3. Courtney Milan Comments About Mixon Report on Sriduangkaew
  4. Open Letter Organizer Discusses Chengdu Worldcon Bid
  5. Borderlands Books Owner Accused of Sexual Assault
  6. 1945 Retro-Hugo Winners
  7. Will Plans To Counterprogram CoNZealand Bear Fruit?
  8. Nice in 2023 Worldcon Bid Folds
  9. Book Cancelled, and So Is Publishers Weekly’s Coverage
  10. Writers Of The Purple Page: The Pleasant Profession of Robert A. Heinlein

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