Top 10 Stories for October 2023

The announcement of the 2023 Hugo Award winners naturally attracted the most eyes last month, it always does.

Tammy Coxen’s post “If You Love The NASFiC, Set It Free” vaulted into second place because of the discussion it ignited about a sensitive topic – drawing over a hundred comments.

Here are the ten most widely-read posts of October 2023 according to dreaded Jetpack.

  1. 2023 Hugo Award Winners
  2. If You Love The NASFiC, Set It Free
  3. 2023 World Fantasy Awards
  4. Chengdu Worldcon Site Selection Business Meeting Results
  5. A WSFS-Sponsored Asian Science Fiction Convention (ASFiC) — Discussing Item Nine from the Chengdu Worldcon Business Meeting Agenda
  6. “Any Language” – Discussing Items Seven and Eight from the Chengdu Worldcon Business Meeting Agenda
  7. Pixel Scroll 10/16/23 Not A Title
  8. Pixel Scroll 10/29/23 Swamp Thing! You Make My Scroll Sing
  9. Pixel Scroll 10/24/23 They Say It’s Only A Rebel Moon
  10. Pixel Scroll 10/21/23 Seven Pixels You Can’t Scroll On Television


  1. 2023 Hugo Award Winners
  2. If You Love The Nasfic, Set It Free
  3. 2023 World Fantasy Awards
  4. Chengdu Worldcon Site Selection Business Meeting Results
  5. A WSFS-Sponsored Asian Science Fiction Convention (ASFiC) — Discussing Item Nine from the Chengdu Worldcon Business Meeting Agenda
  6. “Any Language” – Discussing Items Seven and Eight from the Chengdu Worldcon Business Meeting Agenda
  7. “Best Fancast Not Paying Compensation” — Discussing Item Five from the Chengdu Worldcon Business Meeting Agenda
  8. Uganda 2028 Worldcon Bid Q &A Update01
  9. Chris M. Barkley’s 2023 Best Fan Writer Acceptance Speech
  10. Seattle Wins 2025 Worldcon Site Selection Vote

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One thought on “Top 10 Stories for October 2023

  1. That logo for Seattle in 25 is soooooo retro. I would guess about 1962. It will give hope to people who love staying in Mid Century Modern Motels.

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