Top Posts of 2018

Cartoon by Teddy Harvia.

Yes, it was a busy year. What were the most-read stories out of the 1300+ published here in 2018? This compilation looks very different from my private predictions. Anyone who pays attention to the monthly Top 10 lists here knows that in an average month I have to break out a separate “non Pixel Scroll” list to reach any other kind of post. But over the course of the entire year, only two Scrolls appeared in the top 15.

The last time I wrote a “Newsmakers of the Year” post – in 2011 – Chris Garcia and James Bacon ranked number one for all the positive press they had generated. In 2018 I’m afraid that title has to go to Jon Del Arroz, whose history of harassment kept him out of SFWA and got him banned from Worldcon 76, and who has been hard at work trying to exact revenge on the Worldcon ever since.

Antiharassment or code of conduct issues also figured in many other stories that received extraordinary attention — when Origins dropped Larry Correia as a guest, when an uprising among ConCarolinas’ other program participants caused John Ringo to withdraw as a special guest, and when Loscon ejected Gregory Benford (although they later apologized to him).

Robert Silverberg’s “Racism and Sexism” also sprang from a desire to defend himself after someone published his negative comments about N.K. Jemisin’s acceptance speech for her third consecutive Best Novel Hugo.

Top 15 Posts of 2018

  1. Del Arroz Not Allowed To Attend Worldcon 76
  2. Origins Game Fair Drops Larry Correia as Guest
  3. Del Arroz Files Suit Against Worldcon 76
  4. 2018 Hugo Winners
  5. Worldcon 76 Response to Protests Planned Outside SJCC on August 18
  6. Jon Del Arroz Threatens to Sue Worldcon 76
  7. Loscon 45 Incident: What Happened, and the Committee’s Update
  8. Racism and Sexism
  9. John Ringo Out As ConCarolinas Special Guest
  10. SFWA Denies A Membership Application
  11. John Ringo’s Selection as ConCarolinas Guest Sparks Controversy
  12. A Proposal to Re-Name the Young Adult Book Award at Worldcon 76
  13. 2018 Hugo Award Finalists
  14. Pixel Scroll 5/16/18 Ringworlds For Sale or Rent, Moons To Let Fifty Cents
  15. Pixel Scroll 4/23/18 It Was Me Who Ate All The Cupcakes In The File770 Office IN SELF DEFENCE!

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3 thoughts on “Top Posts of 2018

  1. Thank you Mike! 1300+ stories is a mountain of work (and not Mt Tsundoku either unless people are commenting without reading the articles…).

  2. Pingback: AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: 12-30-18 - Amazing Stories

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