Voting Opens for 2019 Worldcon Site Selection

Worldcon 75 has opened site selection voting to decide the host of the 2019 Worldcon. The only filed bid is Dublin, Ireland.

Facilities: The Convention Centre Dublin, North Dock, Dublin 1, Ireland.

Dates: Thursday, 15th August – Monday, 19th August 2019

Committee: James Bacon (Chair), John Clarke, Steve Cooper, Tammy Coxen, Vincent Docherty, Bruce Farr, Emma England, Gareth Kavanagh, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Vanessa May, Brian Nisbet and Ben Yalow

The site selection webpage hosts copies of all the documentation the Dublin bid was required to submit about its facilities and committee when it filed to appear on the ballot.

To vote in Site Selection, you must be an Attending or Supporting Member in Worldcon 75 and pay the Advanced Supporting Membership fee. This process also makes you a Supporting Member of the 2019 Worldcon.

Worldcon 75 decided not to make electronic voting available, although it is an option under the rules. Downloadable ballots and information about voting and paying the Advanced Supporting Membership fee can be found here.

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4 thoughts on “Voting Opens for 2019 Worldcon Site Selection

  1. I really wish electronic site selection voting had been allowed. Sigh.

    Maybe next year for 2020.

  2. [Worldcon 76 WSFS Division Head Hat on]

    We expect to be doing two site selection elections at Worldcon 75 San Jose in 2018: Worldcon 2020 and NASFiC 2019, assuming Dublin wins its uncontested bid. We’ll need to discuss it with the bidders and the affected sections of our own committee (especially Treasury) and decide whether it’s something we can offer. I don’t want to speak too soon definitively, however. It’s more complicated than it looks on the surface.

  3. The Dublin filing mentions hotel rooms on hold Ruth more info in a “PCO letter” but no such document is available in their filing. Nyome know where I can fund that?

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