Wanted: 2010 DUFF Nominees


Steve and Sue Francis have opened the nominations for the next Down Under Fan Fund delegate. The winning fan will travel to Aussiecon 4 (September 2-6, 2010), then take over administration and promotion of the fund for the next cycle.

The full press release appears after the jump.


Nominations are now open for the 2010 Down Under Fan Fund a.k.a. DUFF.

Prospective candidates will have until January 31st 2010 to file the documents required to have one’s name placed in nomination and added to the ballot. The ballots will be published and distributed in early February, 2010. The voting period will run from February 10th thru March 31st, 2010.

Candidates should file the following documents:

  • A brief letter stating one’s intent to run for DUFF 2010.
  • Five letters of nomination, three from North America and two from Australia or New Zealand. E-mailed letters are acceptable.
  • A 100 word or less platform statement specifying the candidate’s reasons for running and qualifications for becoming the 2010 DUFF delegate.
  • An entry fee of $25.00USD (which will be added to the current DUFF account).

The duties of the winning candidate will be as follows:

  • Travel to Australia and attend Aussiecon 4, the 68th World Science Fiction Convention on September 2-6, 2010 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Visit and get to know as many Australian Science Fiction fans as time will permit.
  • Become the DUFF administrator for the term running from Aussiecon 4 thru the 51st Australian National Convention (NatCon) to be held in 2012.
  • Raise funds and maintain an account to be used by the next southbound delegate(s) in 2012.
  • Publish a trip report covering the time of one’s travels in Australia and attendance at the convention.

Please send all documents and fees to the current DUFF administrators:

Steve and Sue Francis   
PO Box 58009              
Louisville KY 40268-0009

[email protected]   
[email protected]

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4 thoughts on “Wanted: 2010 DUFF Nominees

  1. The DUFF page you link to carefully explains under “Down Under Fan Fund, 2009” and “Voting for DUFF 2009” that “This year voting will close May 17th, 2009.”

    There’s also this, by the way. And this.

    When was the last time someone published a DUFF report?

    It seems as if Guy Lillian managed some chapters in 2003, Janice Gelb had some photos in 1999, Perry Middlemiss managed a few hundred words of summary in 1997, and before that it was Terry Dowling in 1988.

    Very few reports online.

  2. 10 November 2009


    I would like to publicly announce that I will be a candidate for the 2010 Down Under Fan Fund. Some of you may remember that I ran for DUFF previously in 2005, a race which was won by Joe Siclari.

    I will be submitting my entry fee, written platform and nomination statements from Australian and North American fans by the end of the month.

    If anyone is attending Windycon this weekend, I will be attending as well (mainly working in the Green Room) and will be available to answer questions about my candidacy.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Chris M. Barkley,
    Cincinnati, OH

  3. I regret to announce that I will NOT be a candidate for the 2010 Down Under Fan Fund.

    For the past several months I had been urged by many fans to run in some circles would have been considered something of a front runner had I completed the nomination process.

    But, as in all things fannish, real life has intervened. I am currently unemployed. While my benefits may not expire for the foreseeable future, my top concern must be seeking and securing full employment. It would to do well to find a job, only to inform the prospective employer that I would need three or sol weeks off to go be sf fandom’s ambassador of good will to the great continent Down Under.

    I really wrested with the issue of running for DUFF over the holiday but it became quite clear that I could not in all good conscience run an effective campaign and administer the duties expected of me afterwards as well.

    In the meantime, I urge everyone to continue to support those who will be running, most notably the first announced nominee, Melanie Rosenberg Herz.

    I have also heard that Hugo nominated fan writer Steven Silver and Canadian fan Jeff Boman had expressed some interest in running as well. I urge them to seek out nominators and votes in the time leading up to the close of nominations, which will be January 31st.

    Finally, I would like to personally thank all those you encouraged me ti run in the first place, especially Sue and Steve Francis, the most recent winners and administrators of the Down Under Fan Fund.

    Goodness knows I’d love to go abroad someday and perhaps I will run for either DUFF or the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund when my personal circumstances allow.

    In the meantime, I will continue to chair the Committee to Reorganize/Substitute/Reconstitute/Or Generally Mess Up the Best Semi-Prozine Hugo Award Amendment. You can expect a progress report on this pressing international crisis in the very near future.

    Happy New Year To You All.
    Your Hugo Czar
    Chris M. Barkley
    The Imperial Red Stocking Palace,
    Cincinnati, OH

  4. I understand Jeff Boman (Canada) and John Purcell (USA) are currently in the frame.

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