WHC in Winnipeg

The 2009 World Horror Convention invites fans to “Hear the Wind Scream” in Winnipeg over the April 30-May, 3 weekend.

The full press release follows the jump.


For Immediate release

06 APR 2009 – For the First time in Western Canada, the 2009 World Horror Convention (WHC) will be held April 30 – May 3 2009 at the Marlborough Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The World Horror Convention is an annual gathering of professionals in the horror industry; publishers, authors, artists, filmmakers, dealers and, of course, horror fans. WHC serves as both an industry insider’s networking event and a chance for fans of the genre to get together, meet some of the creative talents in the field, and generally spend a weekend celebrating All Things Scary. In the late 1980’s, a growing number of horror professionals which included Dark Fantasy & Horror and fans who attended the World Fantasy Convention (at that time one of the only conventions for horror fans) felt that they needed a convention of their own. Founded by Beth Gwinn (who had the idea), Joann Parsons and Maurine Dorris, the first World Horror Convention was held in Nashville, Tennessee in 1991.There has been a World Horror Convention every year since, in cities all over Noth America and, as of 2009, in Western Canada. Guests of Honour have included virtually every living legend in the horror field.

Email: [email protected]
WHC 2009, PO Box 2003, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3R3
Web page: http://www.whc2009.org/

“WHC”, World Horror Convention” are registered service marks of The World Horror Society, an unincorporated literary society.

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