Worldcon 76 Update from Mike Glyer

I would like to let you all know that I was taken to the hospital this morning after experiencing a bad episode of dizziness. They have run some tests and given me some medication, and I am feeling much better, but they have told me that they will be keeping me in the hospital overnight for observation.

Please do not worry about me. I will keep you updated as I find out more. I would like to thank the people who assisted me this morning, including Steven H Silver and Helen Montgomery.

Those of you who are at Worldcon 76, please continue to attend events, have fun, and post updates. And as always, comments from everyone else in the community are welcomed.

[statement provided by Mike Glyer from the hospital]

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128 thoughts on “Worldcon 76 Update from Mike Glyer

  1. Jo, my wife Deirdre, and I spent time with Mike in hospital about an hour ago. He continues to recover, and the doctors are keeping him overnight to make sure he’s OK.

  2. @Rick Moen (& @Deirdre & @Jo): Many thanks for the update! That’s good to hear, though I’m concerned about him being kept overnight again. I’m glad you’re able to spend time with him. Please let him know we’re thinking about him (good thoughts, I promise!). 🙂

  3. Last night I was watching a White Sox game, and the announcers mentioned that their manager, Rick Renteria, was also taken to the hospital with dizziness and kept overnight. Either Mike Glyer and Rick Renteria are the same person or this is going around! Anyway, I am happy to hear an update and I hope he will be out soon with a clean bill of health. They say you need a week at home to recover from every night spent at the hospital and I can well believe it.

  4. Just dropping in to offer both congratulations and best wishes, in whatever proportion is desired.

  5. A brief update: I had another brief telephone conversation with Mike an hour or so ago, to offer any additional help he might need. (Fortunately, he is OK for now.) Another friend brought him his things including his laptop computer, so I expect he’ll be active on File770 later on today.

    I’m still available to assist if Mike needs anything (but respecting his privacy in absence of a request). He seems to be in good hands.

  6. I’m the one who spent much of today with Mike, and running various errands for him including retrieving his computer from Fairmont baggage storage. I’m pleased to report that he was in good spirits. We talked about the con; I passed along quips from the Ellison memorial panel, and we fulfilled the truth of the old prophecy, “When fan meets fan, they will trade Harlan Ellison stories.”

  7. That’s curious: I just realized that there was no LeGuin In Memoriam event. Was there a reason for this, or was it just an egregious oversight?

    On the other hand: “Si monumentum requiris, circumspice.”

  8. @David Bratman: Thanks for the update and being with Mike and helping him when he needs it!

  9. @Doctor Science: Harlan, being a very public person, left a broad trail of stories that could be recounted. Le Guin was a very private person — I’ve heard of her being unwilling to GoH at cons larger than 500 people (although IIRC she made an exception for a round-numbered Wiscon which got funding to bring back as many past guests as could come) — whose primary residue is her work; I doubt there were enough members who both could and would tell stories about her to make up a panel.

  10. Chip: That’s what I thought. The con’s memorial panels for the recently deceased were for Harlan, Gardner Dozois, and Karen Anderson, and what did they have in common that other distinguished deceased like Le Guin and Kate Wilhelm didn’t? Socially more active and colorful, easy to find attendees who knew them well to tell stories about, i.e. good topics for panels. There was a memorial page for Le Guin in the souvenir book, which was a good place to honor her.

  11. There was a Le Guin retrospective earlier in the year in Seattle, with a full panel of people who knew her well and talked about her. I wasn’t able to go, but I heard reports. This was at the Tiptree Symposium, if I remember correctly. So there were certainly enough people out there to make up a worldcon retrospective if they’d been interested in coming.

  12. Sorry to hear about the vertigo Mike. I have similar problems which they’ve never solved. May you be fixed up and able to travel home soon. Congrats on your Hugo win.

  13. Lenore Jones: ” if they’d been interested in coming.” Ay, there’s the rub. I don’t think many of them were there. I could have participated in a Le Guin personal reminiscence memorial panel, but once you get down to me, you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  14. Looks like I conflated several events as regards Le Guin memorials. The Tiptree Symposium had nothing to do with it except for an overlap of interested people. There was a February evening of readings in Seattle, and a June retrospective in Portland. Some of the names look like usual Worldcon suspects, though I only found two on the program.

  15. Reading through F770 this afternoon, and both Suzle and I are glad to hear what happened to you wasn’t something worse. I hope you’re home by now.

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