Star Wars Figure Auction 1/28

Leia Organa COMPStar Wars fan Craig Stevens has been collecting the action figures from the series since he was a child. He’s noted for posing them in stunning dioramas, including one that arrays hundreds of Storm Trooper figures.

Now he’s decided to auction a selection of his mint-on-card figure collection and hopes the buyers will treasure them as much as he has —

It will be terribly heart wrenching to see my items sold but I am sure that each one will go to a very good home and be protected and cherished by my fellow collectors. With so few mint-on-card figures surviving to the present day in perfect condition, preservation must be a high priority. With Vectis taking care of the auction, I am confident that my collection will be passed to the very best hands.

The two-day auction begins January 28 at 10:30 a.m. (the auction house is in England, so beware of the right time zone.)

A list of available items is here and it all seems a jolly amble down memory lane — figures of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, Lando Kalrissian, Boba Fett (the list goes on) – til you get to the Palitoy Star Wars Death Squad Commander, which sounds like something Draco Malfoy finds in his Christmas stocking.

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One thought on “Star Wars Figure Auction 1/28

  1. I love collectable junk like this … but usually not enough to get serious about it, and spend money on dozens of identical storm troopers just so I can line them up parade-ground fashion. Essentially, though, its the same when I invest money in a 14th century dinar, or 1/18 diecast replica of a 1954 Nash Ambassador four-door. And some people say that we should be more spiritual! Clearly, they haven’t learned the joys of materialism, and mistakenly believe its about a bigger widescreen TV or the latest iPhone.

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