2009 Aurora Winners

The winners of the 2009 Aurora Awards for Canadian sf, fantasy and fan achievements were announced August 7 at Anticipation.

The full press release follows the jump.


Anticipation: Press Release 3#1, August 7,  2009

Aurora Winners Announced

Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention, is pleased to announce the Prix Aurora winner for 2009.  The Auroras recognize Canadian science fiction and fantasy artwork, writing, and fan activities. Any Canadian citizen or resident may vote in the Aurora selection process.

Best Long-Form Work in English

Meilleur livre en anglais

Marseguro, Edward Willett (DAW Books)

Meilleur livre en français

Best Long-Form Work in French

Les vents de Tammerlan, Michèle Laframboise (Éditions Médiaspaul, coll. Jeunesse-Plus)

Best Short-Form Work in English

Meilleure nouvelle en anglais

– “Ringing in the Changes in Okotoks, Alberta,” Randy McCharles (Tesseracts Twelve, Edge Science Fiction)

Meilleure nouvelle en français

Best Short-Form Work in French

– « Le Dôme de Saint-Macaire », Jean-Louis Trudel (Solaris 167)

Best Work in English (Other)

Meilleur ouvrage en anglais (Autre)

Neo-opsis magazine, Karl Johanson, Ed.

Meilleur ouvrage en français (Autre)

Best Work in French (Other)

Solaris, Joël Champetier, édition et direction littéraire

Artistic Achievement

Accomplissement artistique

Looking for Group, Lar deSouza (Online Comic)

Fan Achievement (Fanzine)

Accomplissement fanique (Fanzine)

The Original Universe, Jeff Boman, (Ed.)

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