Hail Voyageur

The Plokta Cabal is doing a terrific job with Anticipation’s daily newzine Voyageur. Every issue has valuable information and solid reporting, as well as the levity and running gags that make Worldcon newzines addictive.

Issue 9 has gorgeous color photos of Masquerade entries. Alison Scott reports the nightly party scene in vivid detail — I’ll be staying away from the spruce beer. Several editions reported winners of miscellaneous awards being announced at the Worldcon. These include:

Sidewise Awards
Given for alternate history and parallel reality fiction.
Long Form: The Dragon’s Nine Sons, by Chris Roberson
Short Form: “Sacrifice” by Mary Rosenblum

First Fandom Awards
Hall of Fame Award: James Gunn and Ben Indick
Posthumous Hall of Fame Award: Walt Daugherty
Sam Moskowitz Award for Excellence in Collecting: Joe Wroz

Copies of Voyageur are posted here.

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