2009 FAAn Awards Voting Begins

Corflu ZedJust about two months from now someone will come to the podium at Corflu Zed and announce the winners of the Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Awards. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, first you’ll need to do your part. Vote!

The 2009 FAAn Awards Ballot is now on the Corflu Zed page at eFanzines.com.

Voting deadlines: Votes sent by postal mail must be postmarked February 26, 2009. Votes sent via e-mail are due by Midnight, March 5, 2009.

There will be no on-site voting during Corflu. Submission of an actual ballot is not required to cast a vote by e-mail, just the list of preferences. See the instructions on the ballot form for further details.

The winners will be revealed at the Corflu Zed banquet on March 15.

None have said it better than Arnie Katz: “The Fan achievement Awards are probably the best way to distribute deserved egoboo among the fans who have done so much to make our Fandom so enjoyable.”

If you’re curious about last year’s top voter-getters, after the jump I have the list Arnie enclosed with his e-mail distribution of the ballot.

2008 FAAn Awards Results

Best Fanzine
1. Prolapse (Peter Weston)
2. Banana Wings (Mark Plummer & Claire Brialey)
3. Vegas Fandom Weekly (Arnie Katz)
4. Trap Door (Robert Lichtman)
5. Askance (John Purcell)
6. eI (Earl Kemp)
7. Chunga (Hooper, Byers & juarez)
8. Pixel (David Burton)
9. File 770 (Mike Glyer)
10. Steam Engine Time

Best Fanwriter
1. Arnie Katz
2. Mark Plummer
2. Claire Brialey
4. Bruce Gillespie
5. Ted White
6. Andy Hooper
7. Graham Charnock
8. Robert Lichtman
9. Randy Byers
10. Chris Garcia

Best Fan Artist
1. Dan Steffan
2. Brad Foster
3. Harry Bell
4. Mark Schirmeister
5. Taral Wayne
6. Alan White
7. Frank Wu
8. Ross Chamberlain
9. Craig Smith
10. Kurt Erichsen

Best Website
1. efanzines.com (Bill Burns)
2. TheVoicesOf Fandom (Bill Mills)
3. fanac.org
4. Trufen.net (Victor Gonzalez)
5. Ansible.co.uk (Dave Langford)
6. corflu.org (Tracy Benton)

Best Letterhack
1. Robert Lichtman
2. Lloyd Penney
3. John Purcell
4. Mark Plummer
5. Milt Stevens
6. Graham Charnock
7. Eric Mayer
8. Mike Glicksohn
9. Claire Brialey
10. Peter Sullivan

Best New Fan
1. John Coxxon
2. Clare MacDonald
3. Warren Buff
4. Kristine Kopnisky
5. Peter Sullivan

Number One Fan Face
1. Arnie Katz
2. Chris Garcia
3. Robert Lichtman
4. Pete Weston
5. Ted White
6. Graham Charnock
7. Claire Brialey
8. James Bacon
9. Joyce Katz
10. Aileen Forman

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