2010 FAAn Award Winners

The FAAn Awards were presented  at Corflu Cobalt in Winchester, England on March 21. Thanks to Peter Sullivan for posting the names of the winners:

Best Fanzine: Banana Wings (Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer)
Best Fan Writer: Claire Brialey
Best Fan Artist: Steve Stiles
Best Letterhack (aka Harry Warner Memorial Award): Robert Lichtman
Best Website: eFanzines (Bill Burns)
Lifetime Achievement Award: Ted White
Number One Fan Face: Robert Lichtman
Best New Fan: Jacqueline Monahan of Las Vegas

D West was chosen Past President of FWA for 2009.

The 2011 Corflu will take place in Sunnyvale, California early in February. Chris Garcia and crew will host it at the Domain Hotel.

The first issue of Corflu’s daily newsletter The Cobalt Bomb is already online here. I thought its most helpful item was a notice to members hanging out in the bar that there was another bar open in the programme room.

Update 3/21/2010: Drplotka’s Flickr site has awesome photos from Corflu Cobalt, such as this 2010 Corflu group shot, and tableau of 15 TAFF winners from 13 races. (I shall think myself accursed I was not there!)

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2 thoughts on “2010 FAAn Award Winners

  1. I think that was pretty much the straight ticket I voted. And I won an informal bet with John Purcell!

  2. On the other hand my preferences only matched the majority about 50% of the time.

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