2010 Mythopoeic Award Winners

The winners of the 2010 Mythopoeic Society Awards were announced on July 11 at Mythcon 41 in Dallas.

Fantasy Awards, Adult Literature

Jo Walton, Lifelode (NESFA Press)

Fantasy Awards, Children’s Literature

Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (Little, Brown)

Scholarship Awards, Inklings Studies

Dimitra Fimi, Tolkien, Race, and Cultural History: From Fairies to Hobbits (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)

Scholarship Awards, Myth and Fantasy Studies

Marek Oziewicz, One Earth, One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L’Engle and Orson Scott Card (McFarland, 2008)

Also presented at the awards banquet was the first Alexei Kondratiev Student Paper Award. Named for the popular Mythopoeic scholar who passed away earlier this year, the award is given for a paper read at the conference. The winner was Michael Millburn for “Art According to Romantic Theology: Charles Williams’ Analysis of Dante Reapplied to J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘Leaf By Niggle’.”

Update 07/12/2010: Two of the acceptance messages from absent winners were especially memorable. Jo Walton has posted her wonderful verse here. And I hope that Mythprint will run the text of Marek Oziewicz’ message about the meaning Narnia and such books had for him growing up in Poland at a time when Marek’s father, a Solidarity activist, was jailed and their home searched by police.

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