2011 Corflu Nearing

Cover art by Dave Hicks.

“E CorFlu Vitus,” the 28th edition of Corflu, the convention for fanzine fans, will be held February 11-13 at the Domain Hotel in Sunnyvale, CA.

Chris Garcia (The Drink Tank), who’s chairing the con, reminds everyone Corflu is where the Fan Activity Achievement Awards are presented and now is the time for you to help decide who gets the awards. You do not need to be a member of the convention (though bless you if you are.) Vote by snail mail using this downloadable form (PDF file) or electronically by sending your choices in an e-mail to egoboo28 (at) corflu (dot) org. Votes must be in by February 4.

Attending memberships in Corflu 28 cost $60 (US). Supporting memberships are also available – they really do help defray the costs of the con – for $10 (US).  Other national currencies are accepted, see details at the website, as well as information about where to send payment.

Also, Dave Hicks, artist and faned, has been selected to receive the funds donated by “the Corflu 50” so he can get across the Atlantic and attend the con.

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