2013 Scribe Awards

The International Association of Media Tie-in Writers announced the winners of the 2013 Scribe Awards, honoring excellence in licensed tie-in writing, on July 19 at Comic-Con.

Original Novel

  • Tannhäuser: Rising Sun, Falling Shadows, Robert T. Jeschonek (Fantasy Flight Games)

Adapted Novel

  • Clockwork Angels, Kevin J. Anderson (ECW)


  • Dark Shadows: The Eternal Actress, Nev Fountain (Big Finish)

A. C. Crispin received the IAMTW’s Grandmaster Award and wrote in her acceptance remarks —

When I heard the name of the IAMTW’s Grandmaster Award, it struck me as ironic that it’s officially the “Faust Award.” I know this title refers to Frederick Faust, who wrote as Max Brand, but to those of us who work in media universes, it sometimes comes down to making a deal with the devil, doesn’t it? Some members of the writing profession look down on those who take on media tie-in projects as having sold out, or assume they’re lazy and can’t do the work to create “real” fiction. Those of us here all know, of course, that nothing could be further from the truth. It is every bit as challenging to write a good tie-in story as it is a good original novel. When you throw in tight deadlines, unreasonable and clueless studio minions, and the rules of story canon, it can be even more difficult than writing an original book.

But a good story is a good story, no matter what universe it is written in.

My dear friend Andre Norton once listened to me complaining about how tie-in writers aren’t respected the way they should be, and remarked, “Being a storyteller is one of the oldest and most valued professions. Without stories to lift us out of life’s problems and doldrums, where would we be? Be proud of what you do.”

Andre was a very wise lady, and her words stuck with me over the years.

Crispin’s full acceptance speech appears on her blog.

 [Via ComicMix Twitter feed.]

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