2015 Green Slime Awards

The “winners” of the 2015 Green Slime Awards were announced at Bubonicon 48 in Albuquerque on August 28 by Jessica L. Coyle (with assistance from the Slime Players). The Green Slime Awards were created in 1976 by the late Roy Tackett “to recognize annual wretchedness in films, books and such.”

SF Adult Novel

  • The Galaxy Game by Karen Lord

(Odd structure and viewpoints, no explanations, all world-building with no action or intrigue)

SF Young Adult Novel

  • Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton

(Characters are dull; confusing setting and plot)

Regular TV

  • The Messengers on The CW

(Second-rate and cheesy; a jumble and not compelling – even though it was shot in New Mexico)

SyFy Movie

  • Sharktopus vs Whalewolf

(Absurd story, horrible cartoony FX, female scientist with terrible German accent)

SF Film

  • Pixels

(A Ghostbusters wannabe but without the talent; dimwitted and lazy, brain-dead and inane script)


  • Spider-Man Balloon

(Prominent “webshooter” valve between legs)

  • Punch It! Invincible Iron Man

(Disturbing & promotes super-villain actions in children)

  • Yoda Cat Headpiece

(Sad cat torture, possible danger to humans)

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7 thoughts on “2015 Green Slime Awards

  1. Well, it’s reassuring to see that I was not the only one who bounced off The Galaxy Gamehard (and I loved Redemption in Indigo).

  2. I saw “Pixels” (had nothing else to do). The only bad part is the appropriate drug is legal only in 4 states, and I was not in one of them.

  3. PIXELS was a film with good ideas, but had Adam Sandler in it. This draws off a lot of good will for me. Like having Jack Black in a film. It becomes an almost certain failure.

    As far as products go, I was an IRON MAN Bubble bath product. It’s just so wrong.

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