2016 Baen Fantasy Adventure Award

Shawn Snider won the 2016 Baen Fantasy Adventure Award with his short story “The Lavender Paladin.” Snider’s story was selected by Baen editorial staff. The announcement was made at GenCon on August 6.

GRAND PRIZE: “The Lavender Paladin” by Shawn Snider

SECOND PLACE: “Gunfight at the Thornmount Colossus” by Anthony Lowe

THIRD PLACE: “Watching the Door” by Joel and F.I. Goldhaber

Started in 2014, this is the third annual Baen Fantasy Adventure Award. Baen executive editor Jim Minz said, “Our third year has been the best year yet. Each year the overall quality of submitted stories has only gotten better. We are excited to continue to grow this award and highlight the very best in fantasy storytelling.”

As the grand prize winner, Snider, who was on hand with his family in Indianapolis, received an engraved award, and a prize package containing various Baen Books. Snider describes himself as “the product of a good home, a supportive wife, and years and years of reading and people-watching.”

His story “The Lavender Paladin” will be a featured story on Baen.com main page starting September 16 until October 16, and available at the Baen Free Library after that.

The annual contest was held in conjunction with the GenCon Writers Symposium.

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